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Book Review: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
good-omens-pratchett-gaiman-book-cover In Good Omens the world is going to end next Saturday, well at least according to the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter. Both heaven and hell are to wage war on earth, but can it be prevented? If it can’t who will win? And what about the ineffable plan?

In Good Omens two of the best writers around – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman present a host of ingenious and eccentric characters including: Aziraphale – Heaven’s Angel, Crowley – A Fallen Angel working for Hell, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Witchfinders Newton Pulsifer & Shadwell, Anathema a descendant of Agnes Nutter and new age spiritualist, Adam with dog and the Them.

The war on Earth will all start in Lower Tadfield, a sleepy village in the English countryside. The plot is creative, eventful and expertly shown by Pratchett and Gaiman. Good Omens is humorous, captivating and hilarious.

Humour litters every page of this book. From the things that characters say and do to the fantastically funny footnotes.

Good Omens was first published in 1990 and it’s no surprise that a book this absorbing and addictive is still being printed today. So if you like humorous books, apocalyptic stories, novels about heaven, hell and all manor of angels and supernatural beings you’ll love this book.

Good Omens is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,



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Review: My Cats (Dylan & Russell) Enjoy Playing with Automatic Laser Toy by FroliCat

By Amazon, Pets, Reviews, TechnologyNo Comments
frolicat-laser-toy-box I haven’t blogged about Dylan and Russell my gorgeous bengal cats in ages. They’ve really grown up, but they are still very playful. Which is why I bought them this Automatic Laser Toy by FroliCat.

The Automatic Laser Toy shoots a red laser across the floor in a circular motion for the cats to chase. It has has four speed settings (slow, medium, fast and variable) and allows you to decide how long playtime is for by setting a timer (5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes).

Dylan and Russell enjoy playing the Automatic Laser Toy game. Here’s a video showing them playing with it:

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The Automatic Laser Toy must be placed in the centre of the room, meaning you have to be careful not to trip on it. It works on AA batteries which is good as it makes it portable, but it does mean that as the batteries get low the Automatic Laser Toy slows down. The internal motor is noisy.But my cats love it!

Every time the Automatic Laser Toy is on Dylan and Russell chase around after the light. If you’ve got cats, yours will love it to. The Automatic Laser Toy by FroliCat is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,


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TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1

By TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

A few weeks ago I saw an trailer for Torchwood on the BBC and got all excited. Torchwood was coming back on the TV! I immediately series linked it. I was surprised as Torchwood: Children of Earth (available at Amazon and all good retailers) was suppose to be the last series and what a series it was. It had tention, drama, action, emotions and a lot of death. In deed many of the main characters were killed off as it was the last series. Apart from Captain Jack (played by John Barrowman) who is immortal and doesn’t age, and Gwen Cooper who if I remember correctly was just lucky.

So what did Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1 have in store for us? The story starts in America with people who should be dead unable to die. For the first ten minutes we see CIA characters, none of which we know, and only get a glimpse of Gwen’s quite life in rural Wales. She’s now got a baby with Rhys (her long standing partner) and they live “off the radar”, well until Miracle Day happens – were people all over the world simply can’t die.

When Captain Jack finally appears he is looking good (Well the actor John Barrowman is, you can see my love for him by the post tag: John Barrowman). Captain Jack swings in to action as an email saying one word TORCHWOOD is sent out at the exact time Miracle Day starts. Captain Jack must protect Gwen at all costs as the CIA start to investigate Torchwood. What follows is a mix of action and drama, with a really good action scene involving Jack driving a 4×4 on a Wales beach being chased by a helicopter with men in black shooting at them. Gwen rocket launches the helicopter and it comes flying at them before crashing on the beach. At one point Captain Jack gets cut and he suddenly realises, he’s not immortal and indestructible any more. Usually he would have healed, but suddenly he realises it’s reversed. Jack is mortal whereas the rest of the world is immortal.

Episode 1 ends with Captain Jack, Gwen and her family being arrested and extradited to the US by a CIA agent. The format has some similarities and differences to the previous series of Torchwood. Similar is the way it starts off with something happening and a mystery to who’s behind it and why they’re doing it. However the differences were clearly noticeable. The first that the story seems to have been “dumbed down.” Jack makes a point of stating he can now be hurt, which really wasn’t required and obvious plot lines are discussed by characters as a method of explaining to the audience what’s going on. It’s very Americanised, with the story being focused on the CIA and what’s happening in America rather than the UK. This is clearly evident from the offset when American news readers are reporting what’s happening in the world. Being cynical this could be deliberate so that the BBC can show it and get good audience ratings on BBC America.

Overall it’s an OK first episode hasn’t got me as hooked as the Torchwood: Children of Earth first Episode did.

Review Episode 2 after I’ve watched it!

Take Care,


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XFactor Finalists Hero – A Review

By Music & Radio, Rants, ThinkingNo Comments

Hello all,

The XFactor finalists have released ‘Hero’ orignally by Mariah Carey. You can view it here:

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I love the fact that the vido it has photos of our troops. I love the job that these brave men and women do for us, protecting people at home and abroad. And they are modern day heros so it is an appropriate song.

However, why do they have to sing one of my favouriate songs? Constantly XFactor contestants cover other people’s song. Can they not perhaps write one of their own?

Blog soon,


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