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October 2017

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

By Health2 Comments

Today (Tuesday 10th October 2017) is World Mental Health Day. So here’s 10 easy ways to improve your mental health:


Tuesday 10th October 2017 – World Mental Health Day

10. Regular Exercise
I don’t mean becoming a gym bunny or taking up running. Start walking. Walking is the easiest form of exercise. Take it slow and easy. Do it regularly, a couple of times a week. Gradually build up the distance. It’s even better if you can walk in places of natural beauty, as you’ll have the scenery to enjoy.

NHS Choices says:

Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression…

(From: NHS Choices, last accessed: Thursday 28th September 2017)

9. A Better Diet
We could all do with eating a bit better right? Add more fruit and vegetables to your diet – aim for five a day. Cut down on the amount of sugar and salt in your food. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid per day (roughly 1.2 litres). You can learn more about diet on the NHS Choices – Eatwell Guide website.

8. Go Smoke-Free
Despite many smokers saying that a cigarette reduces their stress levels, Nicotine is a stimulant which means it has the opposite effect. It increases anxiety and stress levels, especially when those nicotine receptors in the brain need feeding. Becoming smoke-free has loads of other benefits as well.

7. Drink Less Alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant drug and affects your brain chemistry. Drinking a small amount of alcohol decreases inhibitions and can make you feel happier. But drinking heavily can lead to a lowered mood. It’s also not a good idea to drink if you are angry or upset, as it can make you feel worse and do things that you wouldn’t do sober.

You don’t have to stop drinking alcohol, just cut down on the amount. A good tip is to buy less alcohol. If you buy less alcohol you’ll have less to drink.

6. Meditate
Meditation is about clearing your mind and focusing on the present or a particular thought or emotion. Research suggests that daily meditation for just 20 minutes per day has benefits to mental health after just five days. Benefits of meditation include: lower stress levels, feeling more positive, improved concentration, improves the ability to be in the moment and helps with clarity of thought.

Start slow with meditation. Set an alarm for a short period of time, say 5-10 minutes and gradually build up the time. Gradually build up the frequency of meditation sessions to, so start with a couple of times a week and work towards daily practice. Like anything, your ability to meditate will get better with practice. So don’t be surprised if you struggle with intruding thoughts initially and don’t let them discourage you.

5. Recognise the Signs of Stress
Recognise when your stressed and take steps to de-stress. You can do this by taking a deep breath, focusing on your body, mind and feelings and look for signs of stress. I call this checking-in with myself and try to do it a few times a day. Signs of stress include:

How you may feel emotionally

  • overwhelmed
  • irritable and “wound up”
  • anxious or fearful
  • lacking in self-esteem

How you may feel mentally

  • racing thoughts
  • constant worrying
  • difficulty concentrating
  • difficulty making decisions

How you may feel physically

  • headaches
  • muscle tension or pain
  • dizziness
  • sleep problems
  • feeling tired all the time
  • eating too much or too little

(From: NHS Choices, last accessed: Friday 29th September 2017)

4. It’s okay to say NO
When we think about saying no to people, we imagine the world will end. But the reality is nothing like our imagination. In fact, most of the time, people are okay about it. Remember that it is okay to say no and say it when you need to.

Sometimes it’s better to say no rather than say yes. Otherwise we risk over committing ourselves and spread our limited energy too thinly.

3. Sleep
Sleep is so important for good mental health. Sleep allows our bodies to rest and repair. The average adult needs eight hours of sleep. But children and teenagers need much more. But it’s not just about the amount of the sleep you get, it’s also about the quality. Poor quality sleep lowers resilience and increases the risk of physical and mental illness. Get your shut-eye in and try to have a good sleep routine.

2. Off-Load
We all need people to talk to and to off-load to at times. Some off-load to their families, their spouses, their friends or their therapists. Find some people in your life who you can off-load to.

Important characteristics in people you choose to off-load to: they should give you a feeling of trust, they should have the ability to actively listen to what you say, they should be non-judgemental, they should be empathetic and they should challenge you when needed.

1. Relaxation
Write a list of things that help you relax. Then do some of the things on the list on a regular basis. For example, reading really relaxes me. So every night before bed, I read, even if it’s just for ten minutes.

Write soon,


NHS Choices – Benefits of exercise
NHS Choices – Eatwell Guide
Smokefree NHS
Drink Aware – Alcohol and mental health
NHS Choices – Does meditation reduce stress?
NHS Choices – How to deal with stress
One You – Sleep


I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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Productivity Journal Review: Inspire Now Journal by Inspire Now Daily

By Amazon, Inspiration, Life, Reviews, Shopping, The Web, Thinking2 Comments

The Inspire Now Journal by Inspire Now Daily is the best goal-focused journal aimed at increasing productivity and helping you to achieve your goals on the market.

Here are some images of the Inspire Now Journal:


The Inspire Now Journal Cover


Inspire Now Journal contents.


Monthly Planner.


Birthdays and Glossy Quote pages.


Long and short term goals.


Short term goals and glossy quote pages.


Weekly and Daily Planning pages.


Weekly Reflection page.


Savings Chart.


Debt Management pages.


Payment Checklist pages.


Project pages.


Fitness Planning pages.


Travel pages.


Books, Films and Contacts.

Like any productivity journal the Inspire Now Journal has Pros and Cons. Here they are:

Pros Cons
  • Its design is appealing – brown leather cover and ever every page has colour.
  • It’s dateless, meaning you can start using it at any time.
  • It has a 7 day week.
  • It prioritises tasks into: One task must be completed today, top three tasks and other tasks and actions.
  • It has inspirational quotes throughout. Including one for every day.
  • Daily pages also include the following sections: Reminders/Shopping Lists/Appointments, Reward for achieving goals, health & well-being actions, self-development actions and things I am grateful for today.
  • Weekly pages include the following sections: goals – split into categories (Career & Finance, Personal Development & Learning, Health & Wellness, Family & Social, Physical Environment and Spiritual), habit tracker and reward for achieving my goals this week.
  • Past Week Reflection pages include: big achievements this week were, how I was able to achieve these, next week I will take the following steps to avoid distractions, I learnt, I will use lessons I learnt last week to improve next week by and a Achievements Score (1-10) for the week.
  • It has Calendars for 2016-2019.
  • It has Month At a Glance pages.
  • It has a Birthday List page.
  • It has Long Term & Short Term Goal pages, along with Ideas & Notes pages to go with these.
  • It has a Savings Chart page, Debt Management pages, Payment Checklist pages, Project pages, Fitness Plan pages, Travel Checklist pages, Books to Read & Movies to See page, Contacts pages and Notes pages.
  • It has a bookmark ribbon and an elasticated closure.
  • The tasks & actions on the daily pages are too small to write in. I usually have to write over two lines.
  • No daily rating for achievements.
  • No specific section on daily pages for General Notes & Ideas.
  • There are undoubtably pages/sections that you wont use. For example, I will never use the Debt Management pages, Payment Checklist pages and Fitness Plan pages.
  • The planner only has 6 months worth of pages in it. However it would be impossible to make the journal any bigger.

The Inspire Now Journal is brilliant and a journal that I love. Once you get in the routine of using it, you will wonder how you have ever managed without it.

I’d highly recommend the Inspire Now Journal, which is available to buy on Amazon.

Write soon,



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Book Review: Smoke by Catherine McKenzie

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
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Who started the fire that threatens to set the town ablaze? Fire Investigator Elizabeth needs to answer.

Could Angus, my secretive son, have been involved with starting the fire? Mum Mindy asks herself.

In Smoke by Catherine McKenzie, former best friends Elizabeth and Mindy have these two questions in their mind.

But Smoke is so much more than just a whodunnit story. Both Elizabeth and Mindy are complex characters with complex lives.

For Elizabeth it’s about her desperation to have a child, the potential ending of her marriage and about her finally looking her problems and fears in the eye and navigating them the best that she can.

For Mindy it’s about wanting to do more than just be a wife and mother. It’s about her wanting to make a difference and find herself. That is until her son is in the frame for the fire.

The story is set over 6 days. Each chapter is set from the first person perspective of one of the two main characters. The description, dialogue and pacing are all excellent. McKenzie uses plenty of hooks that ignite the readers curiosity and drive the reader to read on. The character development is good on the whole, but the plot lacked realness towards the end.

The reader will have lots of opinion-flipping about characters, whodunnit and the plot overall. The reader will enjoy both characters unique and engaging voices, which is a huge credit to McKenzie.

Smoke is a pleasurable read and is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,



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