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Wroclaw – Poland

A 2019 Round Up – A Tough Year But One With Many Highlights

By Friends & Family, Health, Life, Nature, Transportation2 Comments

2019 was a tough year overall, but it did have some positive highlights.

In February I released my book Mental Health Wisdom and I began shameless promotion of it.

Signed copies available from the official website:

In March I treated myself to a new Samsung Galaxy S10+ phone.

Samsung Galaxy S10+ SmartPhone.

April brought a change to my medication for my mood disorder. This change led to an unstable mood and would lead to a crash into a depressive episode later on in the year.

In April I also got my gorgeous kitten, a black Bengal that I named Nicholas:

Nick, my black Bengal kitten, he wouldn’t take his eyes off me, I think I was being stalked :P.

For my birthday in May, I visited Mother Shipton’s Cave with my good friend Simon. I also visited Blackpool Zoo with a family that have unofficially adopted me. Here are some photos from both:

June was all about my book and the promotion of it.

In August my old car died and went to car heaven. So I got a new car, a Ford Fiesta St Line which I called Mitch. Here are some photos:

By September I was really mentally ill. The new medication regime started in April wasn’t effective. On World Mental Health Day, I reduced the price of my book and started my 15 day stay in mental health ward.

In October I had an adventure in the Metropolitan City of Wroclaw in Poland. This was for my brother’s stag do.

In November I told you a secret and emotionally let go of someone. I also launched my range of handmade and homemade candles, Candles of the Gods.

December came round really quickly. It crept up on me like a Ninja sneaking up on a target. It was also really busy. I saw Daniel Sloss, lost my Nando’s virginity, set up my Patroen and completed a two part YouTube Talk on Mental Health.

How was your 2019? Leave a comment below and let me know.

Write soon,


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Adventure: The Metropolitan City of Wroclaw, Poland

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Thinking, TravelNo Comments

I recently visited Wroclaw in Poland with my brother and his friends for his stag do and his birthday. It was the first time I had met many of my brother’s friends and they are a great bunch of lads. In this post I’ll be discussing my experience of being in Wroclaw.

The first thing to write is that the architecture is aesthetically pleasing. There are many buildings with a Georgian style and many churches that are exquisitely designed. Here is an example of one such church:


A Church in Wroclaw, Poland.

Here are two photos of fountains I took:


Fountain (1).


Fountain (2).

Wroclaw is vibrant, youthful and has an upbeat feel. It is a clean city, only being let down by graffiti that is everywhere. There are plenty of places to eat and drink, with some even having English menus upon request. The cost of living is cheap with roughly 10 slotty (about £2) buying a double vodka and diet coke. I did have difficulties getting zero sugar drinks in a number of places, which was a bit of an issue with me being diabetic.

The only Polish word I managed to learn was Kawa, which means coffee. The main square is huge and has flower market stalls that appear to be open 24/7. I found myself listening to Polish conversations as I walked around and appreciating the beautiful sound of the language. Some Polish spoke English exceptionally well whereas others didn’t speak any English at all. I found the Google Translate App really useful.

Without doubt it is people that make a city. All appeared happy, content and liberal. Polish people had less inhibitions when it came to dancing than we English have. Polish people will quite happily bump into anyone in their way in pubs and clubs. This is normal to the Polish, but being British I found it a little rude.

As Poland is known for being Roman Catholic and as such conservative when it comes to gay people and their rights. I decided to test the waters with a Polish man who I had been talking to and getting on with whilst smoking a cigarette. I came out and asked his views on gay people. He said:

“I don’t care, I don’t give a fuck. That’s your choice. We’re all just friends here.”

He described himself as not being religious, male, heterosexual and was in his mid twenties.

Overall Wroclaw is a beautiful city, with wonderful people and a place that I will be visiting again.

Take care,


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