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MRI scans

The Teenage Brain

By Education, Health, Life, ThinkingNo Comments

I’ve worked with teenagers, or adolescents or using the term I prefer young people for most of my career.

I’m often asked the same questions about young people, such as: Why do they take risks? Why can’t they always think about the potential consequences of their actions? Why can’t they see the perspectives of others? Why are they so concerned about what their peers think of them?

This great TED Talk video explains more about young people’s brain and its development:

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Although this video is enlightening, it shows that neuroscience is in its infancy. Our understanding of probably the most the most important organ in the body is extremely limited.

I wish the speaker had gone into further details about young people’s behaviour, so that the questions above were more fully answered for those that have them.

Blog soon,



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Book Review: A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled by Ruby Wax

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
frazzled-ruby-wax-book-cover I was fortunate to go and see Wax perform her mental health show Sane New World. I found Wax to be inspirational, funny and informative. So I bought her book with the same title, which I found to be easily the best book I’ve ever read on the topic of mental health. Then I read Wax’s autobiography How Do You Want Me?

When I heard that Wax was releasing a new book entitled Frazzled, I immediately pre-ordered it.

A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled is split into sections, which include: an introduction to Mindfulness, Neuroscience and How Our Brains Work, a six-week Mindfulness Course, Mindfulness for Parents, Babies & Children, Mindfulness for Older Kids & Teenagers and Mindfulness & Wax.

Wax’s story sections spattered throughout Frazzled were fascinating to read. Wax’s occasional drawings and photos throughout the book were also enjoyable.

It was interesting to see the two MRI brain scans on Wax in Frazzled. One was taken before a weeklong silence mindfulness meditative retreat and one afterwards.

The format and structure of Frazzled is pleasing, although Wax could have added a section on Mindfulness for OAPs (Old Aged Pensioners). The six-week Mindfulness Course pages are grey-edged, which makes it easy for the reader to find the course. The exercises in the course did feel repetitive to read and it felt like whole sections from Week 1 had been copy/pasted into the other weeks of the course.

Frazzled shouldn’t be compared with Sane New World, but it’s difficult not to compare the two books. Frazzled is just as informative as Sane New World but not as funny. Frazzled reads like a self-help instructional book on Mindfulness.

Overall Sane New World is a good book, just not as good as Sane New World. Frazzled failed to captivate this reader throughout and failed to inspire this reader to practice mindfulness.

The only section that was not read in this book was Mindfulness for Parents, Babies and Children.

Review soon,



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