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Import: My Come Out Reactions

By Creativity, JournalismNo Comments

I’m out to everybody. These days I rarely need to come out and say that I’m gay, but it wasn’t always like that. Over the years I’ve come out to family, friends, work colleagues and even my GP. There’s been mixed reactions from people when I’ve told them that I’m gay, but most have been positive. In this article I’ll share some of the most memorable with you.

Coming out to my mum was one of the best things I ever did. I knew she would be supportive, as one of her best friend’s is gay. She acted as a proxy, telling other members of the family and family friends that I was gay so I didn’t have to. Some years later she did tell me that she was worried that I would have a more difficult life as a gay man as ‘people can be so cruel.’

The funniest reaction from a family member was when my mum told my Granddad. He told her that I ‘just haven’t met the right girl yet.’ This wasn’t homophobic, just a lack of understanding and naivety of the gay world. This naivety is wonderful and one of the many reasons I love him immensely. He used to work on the tills at what has been dubbed The Gay Sainsbury’s in Manchester. He never realised (and still hasn’t!) that all the gay couples are actually together.

When I came out to my older Brother, a sporty lads lad, he said: ‘You’re still my brother. And I still love you.’ This acceptance from him meant the world to me and it still does.

My friends and I don’t really remember me coming out. That means that it wasn’t really a big deal. It was said, accepted and then we moved on. But there’s always that one friend isn’t there? When I came out to him, he said: ‘Me too.’ We’re still friends today and our same sexuality helped to build the bonds of a lifelong friendship.

Work Colleagues
I’ve had many work colleagues over the years, all in different settings and the vast majority coming out has been done by answering the questions: ‘So how was your weekend? What did you get up to?’

However I did have one Born Again Christian work colleague who said: ‘I accept that this is how you feel, but it’s not part of gods plan. It says so in the bible.’ This was a face palm moment and I rarely spoke to him after that.

At one workplace a closeted lesbian work colleague saw the overwhelmingly positive reaction to me as an out gay man and this gave her the courage to talk about her life and her partner openly. Prior to me arriving she had avoided conversations about anything personal, but after seeing how our work colleagues reacted to my talk of gay pride and my relationships she became more open at work and seemed happier for it.

I had gone to see my family GP, an older Asian man, about something and decided to disclose my sexuality to him. I think I was at the stage in coming out where you want to tell the world that you’re gay. He said: ‘it’s unnatural.’ And then resumed talking about what I had gone to see him about. This hurt. Said by a supposed non-judgemental professional. Whenever I hear someone say ‘unnatural’ it takes me right back to that consultation room and makes me feel really uncomfortable.

My coming out reactions have been in the vast majority positive. I have been accepted for who I am. But that’s not always the case. Gay people coming out face the fear of rejection, actual rejection and in some cases abuse or violence. If someone can’t accept you for who you are and recognise that your sexuality is an important part of who you are, you have to ask yourself a serious question: do you really want this person to be a part of your life? I know what my answer would be.

Published by: The Gay UK on Sunday 16th December 2014.

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Manchester Museum – Lots of History to See

By Adventures, Happiness & Joy, History, Love & Relationships, Nature2 Comments

The other weekend Boyfriend-A, his housemates and I visited Manchester Museum. Manchester Museum is on Oxford Road, in the heart of Manchester City Centre and has free entry. It has lots of history to see including (click on any picture for full size image):

Manchester Museum Gorgosaurus Skeleton

Gorgosaurus Skeleton

Manchester Museum Gorgosaurus Information Board

Gorgosaurus Information Board

Manchester Museum Mammoth Skeleton (front)

Mammoth Skeleton (front)

Manchester Museum Mammoth Skeleton (side)

Mammoth Skeleton (side)

Many vases, bowls, etc. to view

Many vases, bowls, etc. to View

Manchester Museum A great Classic Weapons Collection

A great Classic Weapons Collection – If there’s ever a zombie apocalypse, I’m looting my weapons from here.

Manchester Museum Slavery Chains

Slavery Chains

My two favourite sections were the Egyptian section and Geology section. In the Egyptian section I was fascinated by the Soul Homes (photo below) and creepy looking mummy (also photographed below):

Egyptian Artefacts Manchester Museum

Egyptian Artefacts

Egyptian Soul Homes Manchester Museum

Egyptian Soul Homes

Egyptian Sarcophagus with Mummy Manchester Museum

Egyptian Sarcophagus with creepy looking Mummy

In ancient Egypt soul homes were for people who couldn’t afford a tomb to be built. Somewhere for their soul to live during the afterlife. Boyfriend-A couldn’t believe how bad my geography was, after I thought Egypt was in Europe. Apparently it’s in Africa.

We moved on to Geology section, with this rather nice quartz crystal cluster that I wanted to take home:

Geology Section Manchester Museum

Geology Section

Geology Section: A Large Quartz Cluster Manchester Museum

Geology Section: A Large Quartz Cluster

We finished with the main attraction a complete T-Rex Skeleton:

T-Rex Skeleton Manchester Museum

T-Rex Skeleton

A Random Room-sized Fish Skeleton Manchester Museum

A Random Room-sized Fish Skeleton

There’s lots of history to see at Manchester Museum, but more interactivity e.g. videos/staffed tours would have added to the experience.

Even so we had a great time. If you’ve never been, go and check it out. Oh and it has a good gift shop that is reasonably priced to.

Blog soon,


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The Lady Boys of Bangkok ‘Lack their Sparkle’ in Manchester

By Friends & Family, Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, Reviews, ThinkingNo Comments

The Lady Boys of Bangkok Stage. They strictly prohibited photos throughout the show.

Steve and I recently went to see The Lady Boys of Bangkok in Manchester. I had seen them four or five times over the last few years and couldn’t wait. Unfortunately, for the first time, I was to be disappointed.

It started with an embarrassing experience with a rude Door Supervisor. He checked my bag and said that I couldn’t take in a bottle of Lucozade. I explained that I had diabetes. To which he wanted to see a medical card. I showed him one and then he wanted to see tablets (I had to explain that I was on injectable insulin and showed him this). He still looked unsure about whether to let me in or not. So I said, ‘Look if I have a hypo I need sugar quick. I wont be able to make it to the bar. I’ll be on the floor having a seizure and foaming at the mouth.’ What made it embarrassing was his lack of knowledge about diabetes, his attitude and the growing queue of people behind us.

I wasn’t going to judge the production based on the experience I’d had with the Door Supervisor. However the shows atmosphere wasn’t as fabulous as it has been in the past. The Lady Boys cast seemed unhappy. They smiled throughout the show, but the smiles never seemed to meet their eyes. Their costumes were less glamorous, looking cheap at times and there weren’t many opportunities to see the Lady Boys in showoff their wonderful selves.

The audio quality was poor on some tracks, there were some odd choices of songs and some great songs that they only played clips of.

The set was satisfactory. The choreography was fun. Not all performers had perfected their choreography, but this didn’t matter to the audience. The choreography did become repetitive in the second half and had too much use of jazz hands.

The lip syncing has improved year on year, and this year all of the Lady Boys had it spot on. The comedy elements of the show remain as funny as ever, however I was unsure about the humour derived through use of the dwarf.

I desperately wanted the show to be as magical, glorious and brilliant as it had been in the past. But it simply wasn’t. It lacked its special sparkle that makes The Lady Boys of Bangkok production unique. Overall Steve and I had a good time, but I don’t intend on seeing future shows until I’ve got over the disappointment. This is likely to take at least the next few years.

Blog soon,


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McBusted Live: Fantastic Music, Great Set and Tons of Fun

By Gigs & Shows, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Steve & Myself.

At the weekend Steve and I went to see McBusted at the MEN arena in Manchester. McBusted’s target audience are teenage girls, young women and gay men. We saw loads of teenage girls and a number of young women who had dragged their boyfriends along (bless them). But the audience lacked many gay men, probably because it was Eurovision final night.

McBusted came on stage to teenage girls screaming like banshees. The music was fantastic with McBusted playing a setlist that was an equal mix of McFly and Busted tracks. The set included a Back to the Future style car and a descending UFO. Throughout the show there was a kaleidoscope of colour from lights, screens and illuminated guitars.

McBusted delivered beyond expectations. They gave an energetic performance, had a brilliant stage presence, fluid movements, voices that were spot on and engaged the audience well. Overall the audience seemed to have tons of fun as McBusted played all of fans favourite tracks. Personally enjoyed Shine A Light, which one of my all time favourite songs.

I know from McFly’s 10th Anniversary Concert Live DVD that they are in their element and at their best when performing live. McBusted was no different. If you love any of their music then go see them live. I promise that you wont be disappointed.

Here are some photos, click on any of photo for full size:


An explosion of smoke.


The ‘Back to the Future’ style car.


The stage, complete with stage-walk around the OMFG mega fans.


The set. Bright lights in all colours.


The set. Bright lights in all colours.


UFO in the centre of the audience.


McBusted performed on the UFO, once it had been lowered into place.


McBusted attempt at Human Pyramid on the stage-walk as well, very impressive.


The giant audience balls, let loose into the audience.


Cannons shot paper and streamers out at the audience.


McBusted performing one of their last songs.


McBusted completed their final song, before each of them jumping into a hole set into the stage.

Blog soon,


I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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