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Dylan & Russell

A General Life Update (with Photos)

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Home, Life, Music & Radio, Paganism, Pets3 Comments

Hello all,

Today, I’m going to be giving you a general life update (with photos). I’ve been saving to pay off an overdraft and as such I haven’t been out and about as normal. But a few things have gone on in my life recently.

I treated myself to some new bedding. I’d had the old bedding over a decade and it was time for a change. Here’s two of the three sets I bought:


New Bedding #1


New Bedding #2

I also have a Detroit set in various shades of red and white.

My cats are as vocal, mischievous and cute as ever. Here are some photos:


Russell sat looking regal.


My housemate took this photo. Not sure what he was interrupting?

There hasn’t been any decent albums out in ages. However Kylie Minogue recently released Golden, which I am listening to and enjoying:

Kylie Minogue-Golden-Album-Cover-April-2018
View on

I’ve watched a lot of rubbish TV on Netflix. I like programmes that I don’t have to think about, so in the main I’ve watched American documentaries set in prisons or following the Police on the streets. I’ve enjoyed watching anything and everything by Louis Theroux.

I’ve also re-watched some classic films including: Labyrinth, the Back to the Future trilogy, Matilda and Jumanji.

I’ve binged my way through Designated Survivor, all four seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise, all of the available Star Trek: Discovery and laughed my way through Russell Howard’s Recalibrate.

I’ve read The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. It’s a brilliant book and one that I shall be reviewing soon.


I’ve started and finished The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. It’s a brilliant book and one that I shall review soon.

I’ve started reading The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert:

I’ve received my signed copy of Boys Keep Swinging: A Memoir by Jake Shears from Waterstones. I haven’t started reading it yet, but intend to do so once I’ve finished The Signature of All Things:


My signed copy of Boys Keep Swinging by Jake Shears, from Waterstones.

I treated myself to this gorgeous Tree of life Pentagram for wearing during rituals. It was bought from Inner Peace Holistic Therapy’s online shop:


How gorgeous is this?

Whenever I’ve not been too tired/exhausted, I’ve tried to spend time with family and friends. I’ve not done as much of this as I would have liked, but going forward I shall try to do more.

Write soon,



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The Spring Clean and A Touch Of Green

By Amazon, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Home, LifeNo Comments

Hello all,

Well what a week its been. I’ve been off on annual leave for a week. In the true spirit of Imbolc, I’ve spent the week at home undertaking a Spring clean. I’ve chucked out more than ten bin bags of clutter. There’s still some more sorting and cleaning to be done, but I’ve made a good start. It feels good for things to have their places again.

I’ve always loved plants, even if at times I’ve killed them with over love. But the problem is my two bengal cats. Cats are known to love to chew/destroy house plants. But then I discovered this indoor greenhouse at Ikea (see photo below). Steve and I were going to Ikea anyway, so I decided to pick it up along with an Aloe Vera plant.


Indoor Greenhouse from Ikea.


B52 Venus Flytrap from Little Shop of Horrors.

I’ve always loved Venus Flytraps and because I had the space in the greenhouse, I decided to order a Flytrap online (see photo above).

I’ve named the Aloe Vera plant, Alan. I originally called it Dave, but couldn’t remember its name. I’ve named the Flytrap Edward, but watched Little Shop of Horrors (film) for the first time this week, so am thinking of renaming it to Audrey. I loved Little Shop of Horrors film. Feed me. Feed me. FEED ME!

The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted that I’ve padlocked the greenhouse handles. This is just to ensure the cats don’t get at the plants. Bengal cats are known for being intelligent. They’ve already scratched at the plastic windows, but failed to gain access to or munch on the plants. This is good, especially as Aloe Vera is apparently toxic to cats.

Write soon,



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From Kittens to Cats

By PetsNo Comments

I have two gorgeous bengal cats named Dylan and Russell. I’ve had them since kittens and watched them grow into cats. Here are photos showing their transition from kittens to cats:



2011: Dylan.


2011: Russell.


2011: Russell (left) & Dylan (right).



2012: Dylan (left) & Russell (right).


2012: Dylan (left) & Russell (right).


2012: Dylan (foreground) & Russell (background).



2013: Dylan.


2013: Russell.


2013: Russell (right) & Dylan (left).



2014: Dylan.


2014: Russell.



2015: Russell (sat left beside me) & Dylan (sat on my knee).



2016: Dylan.


2016: Russell.



2017: Russell (left) & Dylan (right).


2017: Dylan (foreground) & Russell (background).

Blog soon,



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Photos of My Gorgeous Bengal Cats from Yesterday

By Life, PetsNo Comments

I have two gorgeous Bengal cats named Dylan (named after comedian Dylan Moran) and Russel (named after comedian Russell Howard). Here are some photos I took yesterday evening:


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (1).


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (2).


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (3).


Dylan posing on a cat barrel.


This photo shows just how spoilt my cats are :).

Blog soon,


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