We should all count our successes (no matter how small) and occasionally take time to reflect and contemplate them. So here’s a list of my recent successes:
- Watched I Love You Phillip Morris, a film about a gay serial con man and prison escapee who finds love in prison. Based on a true story, staring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor.
- Installed a printer/scanner/copier on an painfully slow computer running Windows Vista.
- Found some single-piece deep silver jar lids for some mason jars. The jars will make up part of some Christmas presents, as well as be used for my next batch of candles (more information in the new year).
- Gift tagged my homemade candles, ready for Christmas.
- Caught up and reconnected with my family. We gathered, ate (a chicken dinner and wine), talked and laughed lots.
- Finally caught up with my friend Sye. We all have that one friend that never fails to inspire us. For me, that’s Sye. I talked through a major problem with my idea for my next batch of candles and he solved it like that (*snaps fingers*).
- Celebrated Samhain in style with my friends Simon & Chrys. Great food, drink, fire, music and company.
- Come off Facebook for the beginning of the week. I made the decision to come off after seeing two major spoilers about The Walking Dead on my news feed. I’ve been amazed how much time I’ve saved by coming off Facebook and realised how much time I used to spend ‘checking’ Facebook.
- Come up with titles for a series of blog posts with a Mental Health Focus. I’m thinking of releasing one a week (once they’re all written) on a Monday and calling it #MentalHealthMonday.
- Shared my post 15 Lies That Depression Would Have You Believe on a number of Facebook pages. This has increased visitor traffic, but not only that, someone commented stating: ‘Thanks for posting that today, I really needed to read/hear that today, really made a lot of sense and was comforting to read (if that makes sense).’ It’s always wonderful when you write something that resonates with someone and helps them.
- Watched series 1 and 2 of Zoo.
- Started and finished reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
Here’s a random upbeat cover of The Edge of Glory by Walk off the Earth & Roomie, which makes me feel good:
Keep counting those successes,