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Personal Blog - Antony Simpson is an Author, Blogger, Nurse & Witch.

Health, Wealth and Politics

By Health, Money / Finances, PoliticalNo Comments

Health wise, every few years I get a terrible migraine. One of those were your eyes are sensitive to light, your ears sensitive to sound and it ends in you vomiting. I have had one of these nightmare migraines yesterday and it has only just started to clear today.

In my earlier blog (Financial Blues) I spoke about my wealth, or lack of it. However I have got my ticket for £100 million euro millions jackpot. I don’t want the jackpot, just a few thousand to pay off the debts I owe and see the black once again.

However one does have to think about what one would do if the jackpot was his. Let’s see, where to start? Well David said I should give 10% of any winnings to charity. So I would probably set up my own charity with £10 million. Then as interest was earned on the remaining £90 million, 10% of the money made on interest would on an annual basis go in to the charity.

Next I would want to clear my debts and see the black. Once I’d done that I would turn my attention to my family and ensure that they where financially comfortable. I would more than likely do it in different ways as apposed to giving them cash. The reason for this is because recently I read an article one of the sunday news papers about a guy who won the lottery. In his life the money caused more, bigger problems than the ones he had before.

Third thing I would do: go on a holiday! Ha ha, I’d take David with me.

While I’ve been off today recovering from my migrane I caught up on this weeks Question Time. There were some interesting discussions around a variety of topics. Inparticular the costs of I.D cards which should total £6 billion and not really make a difference in terms of proving I.D or combating terrism / immigration problems. I’m sure I heard a few years ago that it would cost £3 billion. How the costs sprial, eh? And at a time where the cash could be better spent on dealing with the difficult finanacial situation the country is in. Something for Gordon Brown to consider?

Interestingly a few jokes where made about a female MP Hazel Blears who was on the panel about her becoming the Prime Minister. She had some good opinions / views on directions the country should go and is a local MP from Salford. She seemed very down to earth and I think she would make an excellent PM. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.

Have a nice weekend,


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A Visit to Simon’s

By Friends & Family, Life, Music & RadioNo Comments

This evening I have been to visit my good friend Simon. I am glad to see he is well and I got the opportunity to give him some TLC. Whilst there I found this interesting article:

"Amy and Madonna get LEGO makeover

Amy and Madonna get LEGO makeover

LEGO has celebrated the 30th anniversary of its minifigures by commissioning mock-ups of stars including Amy Winehouse (left), Madonna (right) and Cliff Richard. Sadly the figures aren’t set to go into production – alongside the likes of Jacko, Lennon and Elvis – but it’s one step closer to LEGO immortality for Winehouse and co."
21 September 2008)

I always had lego from being a small child. It’s nice to know even with all the computer consoles on the market, that lego is still part of most children’s childhood. It develops so many skills in children including:

  • Physical Development – Fine motor skills including the pincer grip.
  • Creative Development – Develops imagination.
  • Social Development – Develops skills in sharing and negociation.
  • Cognitive Development – Develops problem solving skills.
  • Emotional Development – It helps children express their emotions.

I often wonder what skills the computer consoles develop and if they have the same dramatic influence on development as these physical toys?

But I have wondered off the point… Back to my visit with Simon.

We had a good catch up, over a brew. Then as I was leaving I couldn’t spot the candle I had made him last year as a Halloween present. I asked him where it was and he stated that he had accidently burn’t it, having another one quite simliar to it. I had given it to him with the expressed permission that he wouldn’t burn it as it was the first candle I had ever made. But him, being a dists he did. I had to laugh, it’s a Simon(ism).

This was the candle in question:

(click for full size image)

Simon hasn’t been well recently. He stated that he had burn’t it and afterwards started to feel and get much better. I had charged it with some lovely energy. So although I would never say that it was because of something I did, he got better. The energy may have had a positive influence in the process.

Overall it was nice to see him, especially with him looking so well. He really was on top form. We both need to make more of an effort to see each other more.

Take Care,


Edited: 22 September 08 @ 19:30

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The weekend and ‘I kissed a boy’ video

By Love & Relationships, Music & RadioNo Comments

Hi All,

I have had a wonderful Friday evening and Saturday day with my boyfriend David. Friday started after work in the evening with celebratory drinks, celebrating his birthday. A good time was had by all (hopefully I may have a photo to show you David soon!).

Saturday we spent a lot of time talking which I have come to realise is vitally important in any relationship. Clear communication is important. I am lucky enough that generally David and I are excellent communicators, not to say we don’t have the odd misunderstanding. I must admit that when I got home on Saturday evening to do my application form (see Good & Bad news) I missed him.

On an unrelated topic there has been a song constantly played on Radio 1 called ‘I kissed a girl’. I have heard that some reports in the media claim the female artist is trying to cash in on lesbianism. I have tried to keep away from these media reports for one reason: the song is crap, repetitive and boring! However, I did hear on radio 1 that on YouTube that there is a video of a ‘I kissed a boy’ version sung by males. I could not resist checking it out and bloging about it. Here’s the video:

Click here to display content from

The video is unfortuately just an image of the all male band. It is obiously a cheap ploy to get famous or make a name for themselves. But it was extremely refreshing to hear a song about a boy kissing another boy in this hetrosexual world we live in.

Blog soon my friends,


Edited: 15-02-14 @ 09:57 – Changed video as previous one had been removed due to a Copyright request.

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BBC – Amazon Series (Bruce Parry)

By Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

I have just watched the first episode of the BBC’s Amazon series presented by Bruce Parry on my recordable freeview box . It is absolutely fantastic. I love his humanistic approach, as he gets to know the locals and embraces their culture. He also explores the wider social-economic and political influences on people’s lifes.

I would recommend it to you all. You can view it if you missed it for 7 days on the BBC iPlayer.

With love and respect,


Edited: 18 September 08 @ 22:50

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