This evening I have been to visit my good friend Simon. I am glad to see he is well and I got the opportunity to give him some TLC. Whilst there I found this interesting article:
"Amy and Madonna get LEGO makeover
LEGO has celebrated the 30th anniversary of its minifigures by commissioning mock-ups of stars including Amy Winehouse (left), Madonna (right) and Cliff Richard. Sadly the figures aren’t set to go into production – alongside the likes of Jacko, Lennon and Elvis – but it’s one step closer to LEGO immortality for Winehouse and co."
21 September 2008)
I always had lego from being a small child. It’s nice to know even with all the computer consoles on the market, that lego is still part of most children’s childhood. It develops so many skills in children including:
Physical Development – Fine motor skills including the pincer grip.
Creative Development – Develops imagination.
Social Development – Develops skills in sharing and negociation.
Cognitive Development – Develops problem solving skills.
Emotional Development – It helps children express their emotions.
I often wonder what skills the computer consoles develop and if they have the same dramatic influence on development as these physical toys?
But I have wondered off the point… Back to my visit with Simon.
We had a good catch up, over a brew. Then as I was leaving I couldn’t spot the candle I had made him last year as a Halloween present. I asked him where it was and he stated that he had accidently burn’t it, having another one quite simliar to it. I had given it to him with the expressed permission that he wouldn’t burn it as it was the first candle I had ever made. But him, being a dists he did. I had to laugh, it’s a Simon(ism).
This was the candle in question:
Simon hasn’t been well recently. He stated that he had burn’t it and afterwards started to feel and get much better. I had charged it with some lovely energy. So although I would never say that it was because of something I did, he got better. The energy may have had a positive influence in the process.
Overall it was nice to see him, especially with him looking so well. He really was on top form. We both need to make more of an effort to see each other more.
Take Care,
Edited: 22 September 08 @ 19:30
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