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February 2018

Book Review: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
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In an unnamed country, Roxanne Coss a lyric soprano is performing for Mr Hosokawa’s birthday. Mr Hosokawa is a CEO of a large company.

The leaders of the unnamed country hired Roxanne, Mr Hosokawa’s favourite opera singer to sing at his birthday, to lure him to their country like a worm on a fishing hook.

They hope to convince Mr Hosokawa to make much needed investment into their country.

The birthday party is being hosted at the Vice President’s house (a mansion). Many VIPs are present, both from the unnamed country and from across the world.

But the President of the unnamed country gives his apologies, the party is on the night of his favourite soap opera and he simply can’t miss it. This decision to stay home, probably saves his life.

Roxanne sings her last note. The room is stormed by rebels. The rebels were really after taking the President captive for their own political reasons and causes. The rebels are mostly teenagers apart from the older Generals, but all are armed and have been well trained.

The VIPs are in shock. The authorities soon realise what has happened. Then starts a long siege. The rebels make demands daily, the authorities provide food, etc. Author Ann Patchett described her discovery and love of opera while writing the book. This is clearly evident throughout and at times distracted from the storyline.

The plot was reasonable but was limited by the situation. Not a lot happened as the authorities and rebels were in a state of deadlock for most of the book. The ending was believable and a little sad. But the epilogue was extremely disappointing as it was so unbelievable and against what the characters would actually do.

The were a whole host of characters, but Patchett rightly focused on a few key characters. The characters were a pleasure to get to know, drove and sustained the readers interest.

The description clear, concise and flowed freely. Patchett’s writers voice and style was engaging and superb – as with all of her books.

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett was an okay read and is available to buy on Amazon and at all good book shops.

Review soon,



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The Spring Clean and A Touch Of Green

By Amazon, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Home, LifeNo Comments

Hello all,

Well what a week its been. I’ve been off on annual leave for a week. In the true spirit of Imbolc, I’ve spent the week at home undertaking a Spring clean. I’ve chucked out more than ten bin bags of clutter. There’s still some more sorting and cleaning to be done, but I’ve made a good start. It feels good for things to have their places again.

I’ve always loved plants, even if at times I’ve killed them with over love. But the problem is my two bengal cats. Cats are known to love to chew/destroy house plants. But then I discovered this indoor greenhouse at Ikea (see photo below). Steve and I were going to Ikea anyway, so I decided to pick it up along with an Aloe Vera plant.


Indoor Greenhouse from Ikea.


B52 Venus Flytrap from Little Shop of Horrors.

I’ve always loved Venus Flytraps and because I had the space in the greenhouse, I decided to order a Flytrap online (see photo above).

I’ve named the Aloe Vera plant, Alan. I originally called it Dave, but couldn’t remember its name. I’ve named the Flytrap Edward, but watched Little Shop of Horrors (film) for the first time this week, so am thinking of renaming it to Audrey. I loved Little Shop of Horrors film. Feed me. Feed me. FEED ME!

The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted that I’ve padlocked the greenhouse handles. This is just to ensure the cats don’t get at the plants. Bengal cats are known for being intelligent. They’ve already scratched at the plastic windows, but failed to gain access to or munch on the plants. This is good, especially as Aloe Vera is apparently toxic to cats.

Write soon,



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A New Moon Spell for a New Job

By Creativity, PaganismNo Comments

Image From & Copyright © The Angry Cauldron, 2017.

For this spell you will need:

1. Before a new moon, scratch/mark the yellow candle with the initials of the job title for the job you want.

2. Charge the candle with energy of your own.

See the golden energy moved down from your head, into your heart and then down your arm and into the candle in your hand. Imagine being offered the job and feel the happiness and excitement when it happens. Send the image of you being offered the job from your head into the candle. Feel the happiness and excitement in your heart and send that down and into the candle. Repeat this visualisation least 12 times. This should take you several minutes.

3. Anoint the candle with oil to seal in the energy.

4. On the first day of the new moon, say the following as you light the candle and repeat 9 times:

Make the (job title) job mine,
Let me be great at the job and my talents shine.

Let me interview well, myself I sell,
Let me be the best there is!

Let the money come in,
And may I enjoy it with a grin.

As the Moon does grow,
Let the magic in this spell flow,
Release it into the cosmos slow and steady,
So that everything falls in to place and is ready.

As I will it, so it is.

5. Burn the candle over several days. Each time you relight the candle, repeat the words above.

Note: This spell is to help you get the job on an energy/magical level. You still need to do the physical hard work of applying, preparing for interview and giving a good interview.

If you’ve done the hard work, the spell and don’t get offered the job, remember that there maybe a bigger reason why not. One that you can’t see now, but will do in the future.

Blog soon,


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