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The Small Safe Review

By Home, Money / Finances, Reviews, ShoppingNo Comments

I recently purchased this small safe:


Small safe: ideal for passports, cash and jewelry.


Inside the Small Safe: Has holes on back and bottom for bolting.


Small Safe Key: Double bit lock, modern aiming to prevent the use of the Bulgarian pick method.


Bolts for securing to wall or other surface (such as inside a wardrobe).

The Pros are:

  • Small – Doesn’t take up much space and perfect size to be hidden away somewhere. It is the ideal size for passports, cash and jewelry.
  • Easy to install and secure into place with bolts.
  • Double Bit lock.
  • Three keys provided.
  • Lightweight.
  • Colour black means it may not be noticed by a thief or others whom you might not want to know about it.
  • I imagine it would be more difficult for a thief to get into than a standard key lock cash tin.
  • No need to remember a combination code.
  • No electronics therefore no chance of electronic failure or the requirement of replacing batteries.
  • It would take a thief quite some effort to get into it. However an expert lock smith could probably open it easily (should you ever loose your keys).
  • Price and availability are good.
  • Lots of positive reviews on amazon.

The Cons are:

  • The safe is so lightweight that it requires bolting to a surface. Otherwise a thief could literally pick it up and walk off with it. I would also recommend that you hide it away somewhere e.g. in the wardrobe, or under the bed, or at the back of a cupboard, or somewhere similar. However if you had a cash tin the thief could do the same, the difference being that this small safe gives you the option to bolt down whereas a cash tin can’t be bolted down.
  • It isn’t fire resistant or fireproof. However it probably is more secure than fireproof safes.
  • Only someone with a key can access. This means if someone hasn’t got a key but you need them to gain access for you, they wont be able to. Unlike a combination safe were you could give them the code.
  • There are probably more secure safes on the market. This is not necessarily a Con, just a fact. But this is the only one of this small size that I could find.
  • It isn’t big enough to keep documents in. This is not necessarily a Con either. It’s just something to be aware of if you’re looking for a safe to keep documents in.

A tip if you choose to buy this safe: There is a trick to getting the key into the lock. You need to line up the missing bit out of the key head to the red dot on the lock. Then the key will slide easily into the lock.

There are more pros than cons for this small safe. I’m happy with my purchase. For obvious security reasons I’m not going to tell you where I’m keeping my safe or what I intend to put in it.

Other Similar Products on Amazon

Blog soon,


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1 Life Lesson I’ve Learned for Every Year of My Adult Life

By ThinkingNo Comments

Life is about growth through learning and experience. So here’s 1 lesson life has taught me for every year of my adult live:

Age 18 – The importance of good and lifelong friendships. What makes a good friend including care, kindness, a sense of humour and loyalty.

Age 19 – The importance of having joy in my life. Creating opportunities for joy, seeking it out and chasing it are all essential activities for me.

Madame Tussaunds Blackpool on a thrown

Me on a thrown



Age 20 – That I’m never going to please everyone. Not everyone will like me or get me. That doesn’t mean I should stop trying. If I can make somebody laugh with a funny story or a joke, I’m going to do it. The smile or laughter is always worth it for me.

I just accept that not everyone is going to be pleased with what I do or don’t do. As long as I am happy with my intentions, actions and omissions, that’s good enough for me.

Age 21 – A diagnosis of a chronic illness (in my case type 1 diabetes) starts with grief. I mourned the loss of my working pancreas and cursed my faulty immune system.

Age 22 – Independence is extremely important to me. Getting my driving licence and being smothered in a relationship both helped me to realise this.

Age 23 – In the outside world many people are far to happy to psychologically tear strips off you. So inside your home should feel safe, full of compassion and be filled with a feeling of care. How I felt at home when I was younger and buying my own apartment helped me to realise this.

Age 24 – Sometimes I just have to do certain things, otherwise I’d always wonder What if?

Heartbreak sometimes heals with the passage of time. A lot of time. More than days, weeks or months. Years. Sometimes even longer than that.

Sometimes the heart doesn’t heal at all, it just scabs over like a scraped knee. Ready for you to pick at it or for something to come along and reopen the wound.

Age 25 – Not everyone gets to live a full and long life. This feels unfair. Life is precious.

The shock of an unexpected death is a thousand times worse than the grief of the loss. It is spiritually, mentally and emotionally exhausting. The disbelief that comes from the shock can last years and make it impossible to grief.

Age 26 – There’s something magic about new babies and they smell totally awesome.

Age 27 – The past is a nice place to visit, the future is a nice place to imagine, but you shouldn’t live in either of them. Live in the present.

Age 28 – The extreme highs and lows of mood I’ve had since my teenage years are not normal. Most people have a pretty stable mood.

Mood stabiliser and antidepressant medications saved more than just my mind, they saved my life.

Age 29 – Travel broadens my mind, fills my heart with goodness and strengthens my soul. If you have the opportunity to travel do. I learned this through visiting India, which has a special place in my heart.


Me with the Taj Mahal in the background (2).

Age 30 – Creativity enriches every aspect of myself. Stories (written, films, etc.) ignite my imagination and develop my empathy. Art and sculptures help me appreciate the beauty that the creators saw in the world around them or in their mind. Music helps me to feel and gives me the opportunity to dance.

To create something, whatever it is, is a learning process. Sometimes creative projects go well, other times not. But I always learn things from them. The process of creating something makes me feel alive and all lit up – even if it’s just a blog post like this one.

To share something I’ve created with the world makes me super-anxious. But when somebody tells me that my creative project has had some sort emotional resonance with them it becomes a privilege.


Soulmates (Short Story)

The Finished Product: My homemade candles look great (1).

The Finished Product: Just 1 of the 22 completed (unlit).

The Good Teen (Short Story)

Age 31 – When you do something you love for a job, it doesn’t feel like work. It feels like a vocation and a passion.

Write soon,



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Choices and Decisions

By Love & RelationshipsNo Comments
gay-love-large Some of you may question the choices I make and the decisions I take. I understand, so do I. But my choices and decisions are always made by following my heart and listening to my gut instinct.

I regret no choice or decision I’ve ever made. How can I? When all my heart wants is a life filled with joy, happiness and love. And my gut gives me instincts in the hope of keeping me safe.

After a lot of reflection, I recently posted the above as my status update on Facebook. Boyfriend-A and I have decided to end our relationship. I won’t go into the personal details here. But I wish Boyfriend-A well with whatever his future holds. I hope he finds happiness and love.

Take care and write soon,


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The Independent: Save The Elephants Appeal

By Nature, ThinkingNo Comments
Elephant Appeal I recently discovered The Independent: Save The Elephants Appeal. Elephant’s are being hunted to extinction by poachers after their ivory tusks to sell. It seems that the ivory trade is booming, with up to a hundred elephants killed everyday. These wonderful animals are likely to be hunted to extinction in our life time, unless something radical is done.

Elephant’s are incredible animals and I want to share some interesting facts about them you may not know:

Elephants are Altruistic
Generally elephants are altruistic animals, meaning that they will go out of their way not to harm other animals and people. There have been cases of elephants staying with injured humans until they are rescued.

This doesn’t apply if elephants are under attack. When under attack they will do what is necessary to survive and protect their herd. But most of the time they are big softies.

An Elephant Never Forgets
Yes, the saying is true. Elephants had superb memories. This was demonstrated by a test on a herd in Africa. The elephants recognised two distinct tribal colours. One tribe had been aggressive towards the elephants and as such when the elephant saw people dressed in this colour they became frightened and defensive.

The other tribe had been kind towards the elephants. When the elephants saw people dressed in this tribe’s colour they were more relaxed as well as more open to contact with the people.

Female Elephants are the Boss
Elephant herds (families) always have a matriarchal head. This is usually a grandmother or great grandmother elephant who is in charge and the whole herd benefits from her long life experience.

Elephants are Family Focused
Elephant herds usually consist of a grandmother, mother, her sisters, daughters and their calfs (babies). Adolescent male elephants break off from their own herd and create bachelor all-male herds, which have a very loose structure. Adult males join female herds when there are females that are in heat. Once the adult male has mated, he will usually go back to their bachelor all-male herd.

Elephant herds vary in size from three up to twenty five. Herd sizes depend on the availability of food and water, natural predators and inter-social relationships within the herd.

Elephants are very social animals that have strong family bonds. Female herds will share responsibilities, so you may have one mother elephant looking after up to thirty of the herd’s calfs. While she does this, the other herd members will do other tasks such as finding food and water, watching out for predators, etc.

Calfs Have Temper Tantrum
Calfs can be naughty and have terrible temper tantrums like children on that TV programme super nanny. When they do, they will throw themselves on to the ground and flail about in the mud until they have exhausted themselves.

Elephants Protect The Most Vulnerable
When a herd is attacked by a natural predator – usually a lion, the stronger elephants create a circle around the most vulnerable members of the herd to protect them. The most vulnerable are the calfs and the elderly. Elephants will remain in this protective circle for as long as it takes and most of the time the lion will give up, walking away without a meal.

Elephants Grieve
When a member of their herd die the other elephants grieve. When elephants have been murdered, other herd members have even been known to undertake revenge attacks on the perpetrators of the murder.

Some Elephants are Gay
Some male elephants have been known to touch other males with their trunks (elephants see touch as essential for creating and maintaining a deep bond), kiss other males (inserting their trunk into the other elephant’s mouth) and even male on male sex (mounting). Relationships between two male elephants (usually one older and one younger) have been known to last for years.

Elephant Herds Do Breakup
Elephant herds breakup for a number of reasons such as particular elephants not getting on socially, limited availability of food and water in the area that they live or the death of a matriarch.

Chester Zoo Safe Elephants

Chester Zoo: Safe Elephants

I’ve only ever seen these amazing animals in the likes of Chester Zoo. But these animals should be in their natural habitats.

The best way to protect elephants is to have Rangers out in their habitats and to create safe wildlife sanctuaries. The Independent: Save The Elephants Appeal aims to raise much needed funds for Rangers and to help create safe wildlife sanctuaries.

You can Donate online or like I have by text. To make a text donation of £5 text GIANTS to 70007*.

Write soon,


* UK only. You will be charged £5, plus one message at your standard network rate. A minimum of £4.97 depending on your service provider, will be received by Space for Giants, Registered Charity No: 1139771.

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