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Rivington – Castle

Beeston Castle in Cheshire – More a Ruin than a Castle

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, History, LifeNo Comments

Beeston Castle Gatehouse.

Earlier today my good friend Steve and I went to Beeston Castle and Woodland Park. The weather was glorious, sunshine, temperature in the high twenties and not a cloud in the sky.

Beeston Castle is more a ruin than a castle. The gatehouse is at the bottom of a hill and it houses a small gift shop. It’s a uphill walk to the main ruin of the castle, a walk that I felt in my legs and reminded my of how un-physically fit I am.

There was a St. George & The Dragon event on which was popular with families.

Here are some photos:


Beeston Castle has a small exhibition detailing its history.


Beeston Castle exhibition display cabinet (1).


Beeston Castle exhibition display cabinet (2).


Ruins of a tower.


The path up to the main ruin.


The main ruin from a distance.


The entrance to the main ruin (1).


The entrance to the main ruin (2). From the bridge was a sheer drop of at least thirty feet.




Inside the main ruin (1).


Inside the main ruin (2).


Inside the main ruin (3).


Inside the main ruin (4).

Essential Info

  • Beeston Castle is ruins of a castle. It also has a woodland park to walk in.
  • Recommended, but it is pricy for what it is.
  • Admission Fee: Adult £7-9.
  • Opening Times: To see Opening Times on English Heritage website click here.
  • Parking: A paid carpark is opposite Beeston Castle’s Gatehouse.
  • Caution: If your mobility is poor, this isn’t a great site for you to visit. It’s an uphill walk to the main ruin site.
  • Has a small exhibition.
  • Has a small gift shop.

I’ve wanted to visit Beeston Castle for a number of years and I’m glad I did, especially on such a lovely day. But because it’s more a ruin than a castle, I probably wont be going back any time soon.

Especially not when I have Rivington’s Lever Castle on my doorstep with no entry fee and beautiful woodland to walk in.

Blog soon,


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The Best Summer in Years (2013) – A Photo Slideshow

By Happiness & Joy, Nature, PaganismNo Comments

It was Mabon over the weekend. Mabon is the autumn equinox, a pagan festival were light and dark are in balance; before it starts to get darker. This has caused me to think about Summer.

Summer 2013 has had the most fantastic weather we’ve seen in the last few years. It’s been bright, hot and sunny. I even got a bit of a tan. The previous few summers pale in comparison; with the word that springs to mind when I think about them being ‘wet.’ I’ve done loads this summer, mostly around re-connecting with nature.

So here’s a slideshow of photos from my Summer 2013 made using iPhoto. Think of it as a homage to the beautiful summer. Enjoy:

Oh and I also did this…

Blog soon,


Edited 23-09-2013 @ 19:58 – Made Summer 2013 Slideshow shorter. Cutdown from 5:58 to 4:08.

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Rivington Adventure: Lever Castle

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, History, Nature2 Comments
Rivington Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

A few weeks ago, I had a week’s annual leave from work. I choose the right week to be off – as all week we had glorious sunshine and sizzling temperatures.

Simon & I headed for an adventure in Rivington. Rivington is a massive woodland and village close to Chorley and Bolton, both of which are in Lancashire. It has a long history dating back to the Bronze Age.

Rivington has several sets of old ruins; with the buildings constructed under the instruction of the long deceased wealthy Lord Leverhulme, whom used to own the land.

Lever Castle (known to some as Rivington Castle) was built by Lord Leverhulme on a whim and closely mirrors Liverpool Castle. Here are some photos of our adventure exploring Lever Castle – as always to see the full size photo click on it:

Outside Rivington Castle - Covered In Greenery

Outside Rivington Castle – Covered In Greenery

The outside of Rivington Castle

The outside of Rivington Castle

Rivington Castle - The Entrance

Rivington Castle – The Entrance

Rivington Castle Inside - Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle Inside – Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle Inside - Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle Inside – Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle Inside - Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle Inside – Ruins in a Good State

Rivington Castle - 'Owe look a window!' Simon says.

Rivington Castle – ‘Owe look a window!’ Simon says.

Rivington Castle - 'Hello!' Simon says.

Rivington Castle – ‘Hello!’ Simon says.

Rivington Castle - The Top of One of Four Towers

Rivington Castle – The Top of One of Four Towers

Rivington Castle - A Stunning Corridor of Arching Doorways

Rivington Castle – A Stunning Corridor of Arching Doorways

Rivington Castle - The Court Yard, with Winter Hill & a Watchtower in the Background.

Rivington Castle – The Court Yard, with Winter Hill & a Watchtower in the Background.

Rivington - A Place of Bewitching Beauty

Rivington – A Place of Bewitching Beauty

After exploring the castle and stopping to enjoy the serene view of the reservoir below; we decided to go for a walk to appreciate nature. To me just taking the time out of busy life to truly appreciate nature – is a spiritual experience in it’s self.

Although the photos don’t do this wonderful place justice, Left and Below are some photos of Rivington’s natural world.

Rivington is right on my door step, yet I forget it’s there. I should visit more often.

Rivington - A Place of Natural Delightful Beauty

Rivington – A Place of Natural Delightful Beauty

Rivington - There's Something Magical About Being this Close to Nature.

Rivington – There’s Something Magical About Being this Close to Nature.

Take care,


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