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Film Review: Jurassic World – Fantastic, Epic and This Year’s Absolute Must See

By Amazon, Happiness & Joy, Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Jurassic World Logo Copyright © Universal

Jurassic World is fantastic, epic and this year’s absolute must see.

Jurassic World is set in the near future, a zoo/theme park has been set up on the original Jurassic Park Island with real dinosaurs.

Claire Dearing (played by Bryce Dallas Howard) is the Operational Manager, responsible for the over twenty thousands guests in the park at any one time.

Her nephews Zach and Gray Mitchell are coming to the park to experience it and spend some time with their aunt. But she’s too busy and instead arranges for her assistant to take care of them.

Then a new dinosaur created by merging the DNA of two species, named the Indominus escapes from its enclosure. The Indominus is bigger than the T-Rex and scarier than the Velociraptors. It was created by Dr. Henry Wu and was intended to be the next new attraction.

Owen Grady (played by Chris Pratt) is a Animal Behaviourist and general hero hot guy. When Claire’s nephews disappear after the Indominus escapes, she enlists his help to find her nephews and to try to save the other guests in the park.

Here is the trailer:

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The plot was captivating, imaginative and followed a similar formula of the original Jurassic Park. All of which worked well. The plot left an opening for a further film. Personally, I hope they do another trilogy, especially if they are all up to the same standard as this one. The directing was good and effects were superb. The length of the film was perfect.

I didn’t mind the Coca-Cola product placement, Owen is working on his bike and takes a refreshing gulp of Coca-Cola. I did mind the Starbucks product placement. Claire is in the control centre, asking about visitor numbers and then the camera cuts to her and suddenly, out of no where, she has a Starbucks cup in her hand. From what I could see there wasn’t even a Starbucks store on the island.

I liked the little nods to the original Jurassic Park film including a statue of Richard Attenborough in one of the buildings.

I never, ever expected to write this, and I warn you that what I am about to write is controversial and only my opinion. But in my opinion Jurassic World was better than the original Jurassic Park.

I’ve already pre-ordered my Jurassic World DVD, which is released on 19th October 2015.

Review soon,


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7 Things That Remind Me It’s Christmas

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, PaganismNo Comments

7. Holidays are coming! Coca Cola advert.

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6. The scent of a cinnamon candle.

The Finished Product: Of course I had to light my trial jar to test the scent throw. As it happens it’s awesome and smells amazing (2).

5. Watching The Muppets Christmas Carol.
4. Celebrating Yule.
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3. Spending hours wrapping presents.
Christmas Presents Wrapped

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2. Spending Time with Friends and Family.

1. Visiting Grandparents.

Write soon,


Updated 01/12/18: Changed Youtube video as old video removed from Youtube. Changed images for cinnamon candle and Muppet’s Christmas Carol.

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Holidays Are Coming

By Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

It’s not Christmas until you see this advert on the TV:

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This is just a Christmas funny for you:

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Have a fantastic Christmas all!

Blog soon,


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