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Becky Brandon

Book Review: Christmas Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

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Don’t panic. Don’t panic.

Christmas Shopaholic is the best book in the Shopaholic Series to date.

Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) returns and it’s her turn to host Christmas.

Becky and Luke’s guests will include: Becky’s mum and dad, their neighbours Janice and Martin, Suze & Tarquin and their children, her sister Jess and her partner Tom.

Becky desperately wants her Christmas to be like a Christmas movie. Everyone getting on, following traditions and everyone to say: Do you remember that Christmas at Becky’s? Wasn’t it great.

But with the guests falling out with one another; everyone making demands around their Christmas traditions; trying to get Luke a sensational gift; and an ex-partner coming back into her life with the offer of friendship – but whom has secret motives;

making an outfit for Minnie’s school nativity; worrying about her sister Jess who won’t open up about what’s going on in her life; supporting one of the school mums whose having a rough time. Becky has a lot going on.

Can Becky pull off her dream? Well if you’ve read any or all of the Shopaholic series, you know Becky is resourceful and often solves problems in her own unique way. It is her ideas and how she pulls it off that makes this book a joy to read.

This book had plenty moments of comedy that made me laugh out loud. The ending made me cry with happiness. I thoroughly enjoyed every page of Christmas Shopaholic and was gutted when I read the last word of the last page.

I’ve always thought of Becky’s husband Luke as being a bit two dimensional, but he scored major brownie points with me and some realism points to, by swearing and holding people to account in this book.

If I could say anything to author Sophie Kinsella, it would be to make Luke a bigger part of the story. He is barely mentioned in most of the Shopaholic novels, yet is a big part of Becky’s life.

Christmas Shopaholic is available to buy on Amazon.

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Book Review: Shopaholic to the Rescue by Sophie Kinsella

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shopaholic-to-the-rescue-kinsella-book-cover Shopaholic to the Stars, which I have reviewed here ended on a cliff hanger. So I couldn’t wait to read Shopaholic to the Rescue by the fabulous Sophie Kinsella. And Kinsella didn’t disappoint.

In Shopaholic to the Rescue, Becky is on the hunt for her father, Tarkie (Suze’s husband) who have gone missing with a dodgy character called Bruce. In the RV is Becky, Luke, Minnie, Becky’s mother, Janice (Becky’s mother’s best friend), Suze (Becky’s best friend) and Alicia Bitch Long-legs. There’s a growing gap between Becky and Suze, one that Alicia is taking advantage of to become Suze’s new best friend. Danny joins the crew to.

Can Becky solve the mystery of her father’s sudden disappearance? Can she find her father and help him to put right an injustice? Can she find Tarkie and build a bridge across the gap to Suze? Can she find out what Alicia Bitch Long-Legs is up to? In short: can Becky put everything right?

Shopaholic to the Rescue pinnacle of the Shopaholic Series, but also of Kinsella’s ability to write comedy. There is literally a laugh on every page of this addictive page turner. As with every other book in the Shopaholic series, in between chapters are littered with entertaining letters, emails or texts of response mostly from Derek Smeath (her former Bank Manager).

All of the characters grow and develop, but what was most outstanding is that Becky’s character also grew. Becky has so many internal struggles going on and guilt in Shopaholic to the Rescue, that she looses her mojo, and even, dare I say it? Finds no pleasure in shopping and has no desire to shop. The plot is enjoyably predictable with an ingenious ending. The pacing is perfect.

Overall Shopaholic to the Rescue is a superb addition to the Shopaholic Series. A thoroughly entertaining and captivating read. A must read for fans of the Shopaholic series.

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Book Review: Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella

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shopaholic-to-the-stars-sophie-kinsella Becky’s back in Shopaholic to the Stars! It’s great to have her back.

Becky, Luke and Minnie are moving to Hollywood. Luke will be helping to manage PR for his new celebrity client Sage Seymour.

Meanwhile Becky plans to make a name for herself by becoming a renowned Hollywood Stylist. Becky is even joined by best friend Suze, Tarquin and their brood. Oh and Becky’s dad who is in search of an old friend. What could possibly go wrong?

Well it starts with Becky seeing Lois Kellerton, Sage Seymour’s nemesis shoplifting. Lois swears Becky to secrecy, but Becky lets slip to Sage. Before Becky knows it, she’s at the centre of a press tornado as the only witness of Lois’ crime. Against Luke’s advice, she decides to make the most of the publicity while she’s ‘hot’ to try and promote herself as a Hollywood Stylist.

Every page of Shopaholic to the Stars made me laugh, often aloud and made me feel elated. Becky’s character is so optimistic and naive that she makes every book in the Shopaholic series a joy to read. Shopaholic to the Stars is no exception.

About halfway through Shopaholic to the Stars Kinsella adds another plot line (the one were Becky’s dad disappears) and it’s clear that this book is the first part in a two book story. Fabulous, it means another book in the Shopaholic Series. This new (and as of yet untitled) release will probably be published next year.

Take Shopaholic to the Stars as a lighthearted, comedic, chick-lit read and you’ll enjoy it. The plot of Shopaholic to the Stars is slightly predictable and if you overanalysed it you’d find the odd flaw in the storyline.

The Shopaholic Series in chronological order: The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic, Shopaholic Abroad, Shopaholic Ties The Knot, Shopaholic & Sister, Shopaholic & Baby, Mini Shopaholic and Shopaholic to the Stars.

Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella is available to buy on Amazon.

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Books I’m Excited About!

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Title: The Hunted
By: Charlie Higson
Release Date: Thursday 4th September 2014


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Title: The Establishment – And How They Get Away with It
By: Owen Jones
Release Date: Thursday 4th September 2014


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Amazon, Last Accessed: Thursday 21st August 2014.)

Title: Shopaholic to the Stars
By: Sophie Kinsella
Release Date: Thursday 25th September 2014.


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Amazon, Last Accessed: Thursday 21st August 2014.)

Title: Us
By: David Nicholls
Release Date: Tuesday 30th September 2014.


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Amazon, Last Accessed: Thursday 21st August 2014.)

Title: The Year I Met You
By: Cecelia Ahern
Release Date: Thursday 9th October 2014.


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