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A Week Without Facebook & Twitter

By Life, Technology, The Web2 Comments

I banned myself from Facebook and Twitter for a week. I felt like social media was taking up too much of my time and that it was too accessible (being available on my phone, tablet, through the internet, etc.). I used the week to reevaluate my relationship with social media: how I use it, how often I use it and what I use it for. What I learned about myself, Facebook and Twitter was fascinating.

Antony-Simpson-Writer My Relationship with Social Media
The week off social media has caused me to realise a few things:

1. Facebook & Twitter are the main sites I visit on the web.

2. I hate incorrect information on the social media sites along with hateful comments/status’/groups. As an example, my friends were sharing a group called KGT (Kill Gays Today) on Facebook, with good intentions. They were sharing it to encourage people to report it, so that it would get banned. But having seen a few of these hateful groups shared recently, I honestly just don’t want to see another. Ever.

3. I check social media, while doing other things at the same time. This means that social media wasn’t taking up as much time as I thought – and – that giving them up didn’t give me a load of free time back.

4. Checking social media distracts me from activities were I need a high level of concentration, such as writing. So I did benefit for a whole week of not being distracted while writing.

5. I had to stop myself throughout the week from habitually checking Facebook & Twitter, which made me realise that I use them daily.

6. I found myself making excuses to myself to check them and then forcing myself not to, behaviours common with a developing addiction.

7. I found out that I do like seeing what people are up to without having to speak to them.

8. I love unique content people create and share on Facebook & Twitter, but sometimes I just wish there was more of it.

facebook-logo Facebook’s Sneaky Tricks
Facebook used sneaky tricks to try and make me go on it. First in a week it gave me 30+ notifications, all cleverly worded to make me feel like I was missing out. I had posted a status update saying I wouldn’t be on for the week; yet friends continued to message me, tag me, etc. This caused me to question how many of my friend’s actually see my status updates? I realised that I felt more identifiable on Facebook, so was more likely to be cautious about what I post/share on there.
twitter-logo Twitter’s Lack of Appeal
I have to admit that I barely noticed not using Twitter. I only received 3 notifications all week. My pet hates on Twitter are: the 140 character limit, the shameless self promotion by some, the lack of pictures/photos and the bad filtering of my home page feed. I actually realised I could live without Twitter in my life, if it wasn’t for the number of Publisher’s Publicists on there.

Giving up Facebook and Twitter has made me more aware of social media’s limitations and the temptation to overindulge. I love the unique content people make and share; so I shall be the change I want to see. Later on in the year I’ll be sharing/tweeting some of my short stories I’ve been writing, and continue to share my journalism articles with you all.

Blog soon,


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The Biology of Addiction

By Education, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

Although this video is about porn addiction; it explains the aetiology of all addictions:

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Whether it be: porn, sex, drugs, alcohol, cigs, food, exercise, violence, etc. the mechanism in the brain – the neurological reward pathway operates in the same way.

Just thought it might be of interest. They reckon about 10% of people experience addiction at some point in their lives. I myself have an addiction to nicotine – something I need to work on. Have a watch, go on, I’ll wait.

What’s interesting to me, is the transformation people undertake. They have to identify their addiction and make the choice to deal with it. This transformation process is a difficult one; with the individual having to work on deep rooted issues. And most people don’t get it right the first time; but when they finally do it’s an incredible sight to behold. It gives me real hope in the strength of the human spirit.

Blog soon,



I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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Posh Coffee: The Flavour Collection from Douwe Egberts

By Happiness & Joy, ShoppingNo Comments

The Flavour Collection from Douwe Egberts

The Flavour Collection from Douwe Egberts (Image Credit: FMCGnews)

While shopping in my local supermarket recently, I discovered The Flavour Collection new from Douwe Egberts. The collection has three distinct flavours: Roasted Hazlenut, Smooth Caramel and Delicate Vanilla.

The Roasted Hazlenut was the first one I tried; being what I would normally order from a coffee shop of a well-known chain. I opened the jar and got a whiff of the subtle yet tantalising aroma. I put a teaspoon of the coffee into a cup, added boiling water and the scent intensified – smelling truly devine.

I might actually be addicted to this hazlenut coffee – was my startling revelation when taking out four or five empty jars for recycling at the end of the month. I’ve shared it with friends & family who’ve tried it and love it.

Smooth Caramel was all right, but not a sweet as you’d expect. It lacked any wow-factor and was a poor comparison to having a shot of caramel in your latte at the coffee shop.

Delicate Vanilla I’ve not tried. I like vanilla as a scent, but not keen on the taste.

The Flavour Collection is luxurious coffee without the ridiculous price tag. Douwe Egberts have got the blend spot on with Roasted Hazlenut; but needs to sweeten the Smooth Caramel and consider an alternative flavour to the Delicate Vanilla.

Douwe Egberts ought to make sure The Flavour Collection is on the shelfs at all supermarkets and make the coffee available in all sizes of jars (rather than just the small-sized ones).

If you’re looking for some instant posh coffee, why not try Roasted Hazlenut which will be available to buy in a supermarket nearby or on Amazon.

Take care,



I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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Addiction to shower gells?

By Happiness & Joy, Life, Love & Relationships, Thinking4 Comments

“Let me look in that cubboard?” Curious David said. Using my body as a barrier: “You won’t understand.” Lovingly David moves me out of the way. He opens up the cubboard, looks at me and says: “Your ill.”

This is how David discovered my 20+ shower gells all lined up. He doesn’t understand! So to help explain I told him this story:

I was once in morrisons and saw a particular brand of shower gells that I love buy-one-get-one-free. So I couldn’t leave them there for that, could I?

(I seem to have inherited my mums attraction for bargins.)

So I bought 10 and got 10 free. David’s response to this was: “Your very ill.”

I am unsure were this need to have plenty shower gells in stock. Perhaps someone once made a comment about my hygiene? (Doubt it as always have been very clean.) Or did I once run out? And my OCD (obsessive, compulsive disorder) set in – giving me a need to stock up and put them in an order. The latter is probably true. So Ok, I do have an addiction to shower gells, but perhaps there is worse addictions?

And can I just say at this point: Supermarkets you don’t help! You always have offers on them and place them on the end of the isle – so I can’t even aviod them by not going down the isle.

So what do you think? Am I “ill” as David suggests? Do I have an addiction? Leave a comment.

Blog about random things soon.


(P.S Oh and in relation to David – I will let you know what’s going on, when I do.)

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