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Book Review: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend by Jenny Colgan

By Books & Authors, Reviews2 Comments
diamonds are a girls best friend I originally discovered Jenny Colgan by picking up here book Where Have All the Boys Gone? I loved it and was unable to put it down! So when I saw her latest book Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend in a local supermarket, I couldn’t resist picking it up.

The book tells the story of a socialite-IT-girl Sophie Chesterton whose life evolves around parties, clothes, diamonds and all things shiny and sparklie, all paid for by her rich father. All seems perfect in Sophie’s world until disaster strikes, daddy’s gone and so is daddy’s money. Sophie is forced for the first time in her life to slum it: moving in with University students, having to clean to pay her way (rather than have a housemaid), working long hours in a low paid job photographing page 3 models (rather than her voluntary work in an exclusive fashion photographers), etc.

In the book you follow Sophie’s journey as she deals with her fathers death, builds a relationship with her step mother, discovers love, makes new friends and rediscovers old ones, finding out about the interesting and funny experiences that happen along the way. One particularly funny scene is when Sophie uses oven cleaner to clean the toilet, one of the boy students she lives with uses the toilet and Sophie hear’s a scream from the bathroom. Hilarious!

In the end you come to care for Sophie and really appreciate the journey and life changing experiences she undertakes along the way. If you love chick-flick-books, a bit of entertaining, light reading, you’ll love this book.

Take Care,



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Book Review: Book by Whoopi Goldberg

By Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
book-whoopi-goldberg First off I have to say I was disappointed with Book by Whoopi Goldberg. I was expecting to read of Whoopi’s private life, but she kept her private life just that, private. She doesn’t discuss how a black woman, living on welfare became a master comedian and Hollywood movie star. But enough of what she doesn’t discuss, let’s talk about what she does.

She writes as she speaks, witty, cleaver, politically minded and with an air of spiritualism in some parts. She has split the book in to topics including: fate, wind, trust, head, home, self, eggs, space, cost, cheer, flock, love, race, sex, need, heir, choice, drive, death, word, dick, talk, taste, dream & help. She gives her views, thoughts and opinions on all of these topics. With some very interesting view points.

I do like Whoopi, I have to say this at this point. Indeed she is an inspiration to me (see People that inspire me). But the book wasn’t a page turner. It was one I’d pick up and read bits of from time to time. I actually bought this book quite sometime ago, but I’ve only just finished it now. So if you like a book you can pick up, read bits, put down again and like Whoopi you may enjoy it. But my disappointment remains.

Have you read it? What do you think? Leave a comment.

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Dear Me, A letter to my 16 year old self

By Books & Authors, Gay, History, Reviews, Thinking2 Comments

I recently finished reading Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self. Celebrities have written letters to their sixteen year old selfs in aid of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. For each book sold a minimum of £1 goes to the charity.

Contributors include: Will Young, Sir Elton John, Alan Carr, Jonathan Ross, Peter Kay, Jackie Collis, Annie Lennox, Stephen Fry, Liz Smith, Emma Thompson, John Barrowman, Paul O’Grady and many more.

The hard-back book with glossy pages contained hand written letters, typed letters and photos of some the contributors at the age of sixteen. Their messages to themselves included: words of warning, regrets, messages of hope, reassurance that things would be ok, a need to conquer their fears and worries. The book made me laugh, cry and think about myself as a sixteen year old.

Interestingly a friend who knew me at sixteen CS recently got back in touch via Facebook. We had a long phone conversation (over two and a half hours) and are planning to meet for a coffee.

After a lot of thought about myself at sixteen and after speaking to CS I decided to write my own letter to my sixteen year old self. I have wrote my own letter to myself at sixteen (there a a few missed words – must start checking all my writing and edit it properly), here it is:

I would highly recommend you buy Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self for yourself and possibly for a Christmas / Yule present for some of your family or friends. I promise you and them will love it.

Blog soon,



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Last Night’s TV: Questiontime & Good News

By Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Last night the BBC put on Question Time and Russell Howards Good News at the same time (why BBC?). I watched them both Question Time live and Good News on the BBC iplayer.

Question Time
I really enjoy the political debates on question time. This weeks edition was going to be particulary interesting as it had the leader of the BNP on (a racist and homophobic party). I initally loved how the other panel members stood up to him and challenged his views. They did this having undertaken a good level of research too.

I was hoping for expression of the BNP’s views on all topics but they seemed to focus on the key BNP policy, immigration. It seemed to total over half of the programme and I did get board of this discussion which seemed to go round in circles.

Finally the panal were asked about the death of Stephen Gately and the recent article in the press (see Jan Moir apologises to Stephen Gately’s parents but attacks ‘hysterical overreaction’ of critics @ Pink News). The BNP leader expressed clearly homophobic views expressing his discussed for homosexual relationships. He stated that the thought of two gay men kissing was “creepy”. I was glad he was challenged by a lesbian who was happy in her civil partnership with her stating “the feeling of repultion is mutal”.

Overall I think he should have been allowed to express his opinions for the sake of demcracy as the BNP do have elected members now. So the BBC were right to let him on the programme. However I was pleased that he was challenged on his values and opinions on all fronts: by panal members, audience members and even by the host David Dimbleby. This shows how much of a tolerant society we live in, and that homphobia is no longer acceptable in society. But it also shows that homophobia still exists in a minority.

If you missed this programme and would like to watch it on BBC iplayer you can do so at:

Good News
Good News is a new comedy show on BBC3 by Russell Howard. I have blogged about him many times and indeed even been to see him. On seeing the opening credits I immediately loved them and knew the show was going to be great, and it didn’t disapoint.

He appeared on stage with beautiful hair, attractive arms and overall looked very sexy. His show was set into short sections under the following headings:
You can’t be serious
Planet Terror
Reasons to be cheerful
Tatty Bojangles
Mystery Guest
World News
Arts and Culture
I did not know that
What were you thinking?

Russell is famous for being a jumpy, bouncy, energetic story teller. He seemed to have matured on the programme telling more short punch line jokes, staring in short sketches and involing the auidence. Of course that isn’t to say his jumpy, bouncy, engergetic story telling side wasn’t there, it was. Simply scaled down and tamed. And it certainly paid off!

There was even an Awe…. clip, which was little Russell Howard aged 8 singing, very Awe….he’s cute. Look:

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I would highly recommend you see the programme, it was brilliant!

If you missed this programme and would like to watch it on BBC iplayer you can do so at:

That’s my thoughts on last nights TV.


You can buy: Russell Howard – Live Collection (2 Live Performance DVD’s)

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