Well we are about to find out! I’ve upgraded my Blackberry Storm to an Iphone 4. I’m so excited! I’ve wanted one for soo long, in preparation for it’s arrival I’ve been on iTunes and downloaded some apps, here’s what I’ve downloaded:
Blogging – WordPress App
The essential tool for blogging from my phone, so now I’ll be able to blog from anywhere!
News – BBC News, Metro, The Guardian, MEN News Apps
I couldn’t decide on one news app, so I’ve downloaded four.
Pagan – Star Walk & Pagan Gods Apps
Star walk apparently enables you to look at constellations, moon phases, etc. so should be a good app. Pagan gods is an app with apparent beautiful artwork images of popular gods/goddesses and gives a bit of information about them. So both should be handy.
Entertainment – Movies by Flixster, Civilization Revolutions, TVGuide.co.uk Apps
Now I’ll be able to check out the latest movies on my iphone, play civilization (one of my all time favourite game series) and always know what’s on TV.
Living Frugally – Ace Budget Lite & Jumpsoft Money Apps
I’ve downloaded both of these to try. The idea is that I can set my budgets and manage them on my iphone, rather than on scraps of paper. Will make a massive difference to my spending.
Shopping – Amazon Mobile UK App
I’ll be able to shop and track my orders on Amazon, on my iphone.
Productivity – Documents to go, Google Mobile App, Dictionary.com Apps
Will be able to view, edit, etc, microsoft office documents with documents to go, which will come in useful. Google will enable me to search the web and Dictionary.com will ensure I can spell.
Health, Stop Smoking – iQuit & Easy Stop Smoking Apps
Downloaded both and will try both in my first serious attempt in sometime to quit smoking.
Health, Diabetes – Diabetes Log & Glucose Buddy Apps
Downloaded both and will try both to help me better take and record my blood sugar readings.
Others – Facebook, Free Translator, Navfree, Met Office Weather Apps
Facebook – essential for life. Free translator just-in-case I ever need to write an email in another language or somet, Navfree apparently like Tom Tom but on the Iphone and Met Office Weather so I’ll know what to wear.
Ok so maybe I’m exaggerating (as I have a tendency to do) the effect it will have on my life. But if it will help me to make some positive changes in my life, it’s worth it right?
Write soon,
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I will admit to pangs of jealousy when it comes to the iPhone. I have s smug air of superiority with my Samsing Android with all its lovely googleness and £15/month contract apple alternative…
but I am still jealous 😛
– Sye xx