On Christmas afternoon I heard that phrase again, like last year (see Haven’t we done well, this year??). And yes we have, look:

Some of the presents I got. This year they all wouldn’t fit on the photo. (Ok to be honest, I forgot to line some up when I took the photo, the others weren’t suitable for public viewing.) I have said my thank yous to all of you who bought for me, I hope?
But, is that what Christmas is about? Coming together to unwrap glossy, bright paper to reveal the hidden treasure. Please don’t misunderstand me, I appreciate all of the presents I’ve received. It’s just that by the time the presents have been unwrapped; the dinner ate; a doctor who special is watched, it’s all over. Without any real, significant time spent with our loved ones (family, friends and lovers). We haven’t asked them how their year has been, sitting down to listen and truly hear.
So with this in mind, I am starting a new tradition next year. I want an hour round a table or near a warm fire to talk to one another. I want to feel close to my loved ones at this time, not waste a really good opportunity talking superficially about what presents we got. Because, too me, people count more than stuff.
With this said though, I’d still like some things to unwrap. Let’s just not let the topic of conversation all day be about that book/jumper/DVD/computer game/etc. unwrapped.
Oh and just too add a bit of gossip – if you don’t mind? I didn’t think so. My brother announced his girl friend is pregnant, so I’m going to be an Uncle – technically again. I will get round to writing up the post about my long lost brother and his kids. Secretly I always wished to be an uncle, I guess the moral of this story is: be careful what you wish for.
Take care,
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