It’s coming up to Christmas and I’ve been noticing a lot of couples around. I recently joined Tom Dick and Sally a gay dating website. It was accidental as I clicked on a link on Facebook. Here’s what their website said:
Our vision was to create a same sex dating website which you could show to your friends and family without feeling embarrassed. There is a time and a place for naked pics covered in baby oil; maybe it’s not when you’re trying to get a second opinion on the suitability of a potential date!
It also said that their aim was to help gay men find long term relationships. I liked the ethos of this site, unlike Gaydar and Fitlads that seem sex-based one time meet up. On Tom Dick and Sally they give you a personality test and provide matches based on your personality test. Here were my results:
What do you think? Accurate description of me?
Unfortunately all my matches they recommend live too far, miles and miles away. 🙂 But was interesting to discover more about my personality.
Take care,
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I met Fella through TDS – so it does work. I like their poersonality profiling system and I think on the face of it, it is quite like you; I note the differenced between your main traits and the lesser ones is less marked than for me – I guess that makes you well balanced!
I’ve joined up, as it does seem better than gaydar from what I’ve read, lets see what happens!
Wow, I didn’t know that Mike. I try to be balanced, although don’t always achieve it.
Sye, I will have to have a look for you.
A x