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January 2009

The Weird Dream

By Life, Paganism, ThinkingNo Comments

In the last week I haven’t slept well as you may know (see The Week of Recovery if you don’t).

But on one occasion when I did sleep during the week, I had the weirdest dream:

First there was some sort of battle going on, with a struggle and I was trying to save someone.

Then I suddenly appeared at the side door of a building and saw a wiseman who I recognised. I wanted to ask him how the struggle went, what happened, and if I saved the person I was trying too.

A brown, old fashioned leather suitcase appeared in my hand. The wise man ignored me and started to walk away. I decided to follow him. He stopped and looked at this side door. By his look I assumed he wanted me to go through it. But when I looked at the door the shutter was down. Knowing that it was the side door, I decided to walk round to the front main entrance.

The wise man, looked at the door and the shutter opened. The wise man walked through and I followed. I asked “where do I go now?” He walked towards an escalator and I followed. I realised it was a dream and woke (or at least I thought).

I was in my room with stuff all over the floor (which is typical of my room, I am not the domestic goddess I would like to be). I felt very restricted with what I was wearing. I stood up out of my bed and unzipped and took off the tightest body-warmer ever. Underneath it was another one so I did the same with other body-warmer. I felt restricted wearing them and very warm.

I decided I needed some water. I went over to my desk and picked up a glass hexagon in shape with water in and took a sip. I went to put the glass down but it would not stand with out spilling the water.

Next to my desk I saw a bucket about half filled with water. I poured the water out of the glass in to the bucket on the floor. Then the bucket started to leak all over the floor. I remember feeling panicked about the water all over the floor.

I then realised I was in another dream and woke myself up.

Weird, eh? If any of you are good at dream interpretation please leave a comment with some interpretational stuff.

Thanks & Good Night,


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The Week of Recovery

By Health, LifeNo Comments

This week has been a week of recovery as I have been off work (apart from Friday) with the flu & various other infections.

So I have spent the week recovering. When In recovery mode I tend to close myself off from the world, Isloating myself with a brew and watch TV. I’d like to say a huge thanks to David for being so understanding, recognising that the reason I have been quiet this week.

Blog soon,


Amazon’s MP3 Service recommended by Antony

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I am a High Priestess & A Mermaid

By The WebNo Comments

You Are The High Priestess

You represent mystery – secrets that are yet to be revealed.
You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light.
You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two.
Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets.

Your fortune:

Something hidden or latent in your life is about to come forward.
You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination.
And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end.
You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open!

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you’re flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you’ll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

These are just a bit of fun I discovered on the web. Have a go yourself, it’s just a bit of fun.

Write soon,


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Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers of 2009 Announced

By Gay, ThinkingNo Comments

Stonewall have realised this list of the Top 100 Employers who stand for equality.

Interestingly high up on this list included the Police. The police have a history of institutionalised rasicism therefore making them historically inequal. Therefore they must be making progress.

However I still feel they need to continue to work on equality. I have got several gay friends of mine that have recieved a poor service off the police. Indeed some of them have had homophobic remarks made by police officers. Some of my friends tell me that police officers have stated that it is their fault when reporting homophobic crime.

It is nice to see that central and local governments are on the list seen as they make the equality legislation. Next year it would be fantastic to see some NHS organisations on the list! This is because I know a lot of work goes on to protect equality of their employees in the NHS and respect & value the diversity of their employees.

Wishing you all equality always,


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