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25 Popular Sayings and What They Really Mean

By The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

I love a good saying. In fact, I’ve made up a few of my own. My made up ones include:

  • What’s it made out of, Gold? – Meaning that something was really expensive to buy.
  • What a liberty! (I know Catherine Tate’s Nan character says this, but I was saying it before the TV show.) – Meaning how rude.
  • I can’t believe you’d even think that, let alone say it. – Mock shock at someone’s comment.

But most people, myself included, use well known popular sayings. Here are 25 popular saying with what they really mean:


Something is easy or very easy to do.


What you do carries more weight than what you say you’ll do.


Talks a lot, usually aggressively, but lacks the influence or power to do anything. Or doesn’t follow through with what they say they’re going to do.


Another day of work, another day earning pay. Usually said when people are fed up of going to work or are more generally tired.


My mum says this one a lot to me. It means that you are loved and that you bring happiness or joy into someone’s life.


I use this phrase whenever a woman flirts with me. But its more common use is to say that someone is trying the wrong approach or solution to a problem.


This saying warns of the dangers of asking too many questions or investigating something in too much detail.


Means get to the point.


Whatever you’re waiting for happen probably wont. At least in the opinion of the person who says the phrase.


He’s got a bad attitude.


Lacks sensitivity. Is clumsy in words or actions. I always think of the Tasmanian devil swirling around in a glassware shop when I think of or say this phrase.


This comes from the Bible in tale of the Good Samaritan. Basically means that he’s kind and compassionate.


Stop. Wait. Get more information before you proceed.


Means that you don’t want to tell them information that will disappoint them and make them less happy. There is a recognition in this saying that they will have to be told, just that you don’t want to be the one to do it. There’s a similar saying that means the same: I don’t want to rain/piss on their parade.


I’m really happy about something.


It was very expensive.


It’s raining heavily outside.


I’ve had some sex.


There’s no point to feeling upset about something that has happened and can’t be changed.


This actually comes from the film Jerry Maguire. Here’s the clip:

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People use it when they want evidence that something is worth the asking price.


Having a decision to make with two equally bad choices.


Those that are early risers see opportunities first and therefore have the biggest chance of success.


Something that everyone in the room knows, but it is considered impolite to mention or talk about. I personally thrive on highlighting the elephant in the room using humour to defuse any tension.


You can advise someone to do something, but you cannot make them do it.


Someone old can’t learn something new. Someone stuck in a routine can’t have it changed. I disagree with the sentiment and meaning of this phrase. People can change their lives and anything in their lives at any time.

Blog soon,


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Scape Goat

By Friends & Family, LifeNo Comments

Do you ever have moments in life were you think you understand what someone is saying, only to find out they are saying something completely different?

This happened to me a few weeks ago. My friend (T) had always called herself the “scape goat”. I had thought for years that when people were saying this they were saying the escaped goat. I thought that it meant that you were good at escaping out of situations. I imagined a sort-of ninja goat with a band around it’s forehead and a rope shooter with a hook on the end. (Ok. My imagination ran away with me. It does that sometimes!)

So after giving the escaped goat a great deal of thought, I concluded:
“T. I wouldn’t mind being the ecaped lion, or tiger…you know with claws…or even… the escaped dolphin because it’s cute, but I don’t get why be a goat?”

Needless to say, T was very confused and I had to explain my thinking to her. She laughed and then she explained to me what she had actually been saying and explained what it actually mean’t.

Shortly after, I was telling another friend this experience, she sent me this:

Not how I imagined it, but I laughed – knowing I am not the only one with an over active imagination.

I think she may have found it off the Internet (I would like to credit the author, but I don’t know where my friend found it – and she can’t remember).

Write soon,


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