At the weekend I went to a Mind, Body & Spirit Fayre and had a tarot reading from my friend Aurora (also known as Jaqui Leviston). I asked for a general reading about the future as I didn’t have a specific question I wanted answering.
I sat down, shuffled the deck and choose ten cards. Before Jaqui started she said “I get a sense that now is the time you need to be laying down good foundations for your future. I’m not talking about your short term future, but more like 5 to 10 years down the line. It’s like planting a seed.” The first two cards represented me. The first a phallic-like symbol representing my drive and motivation. The second card was the Queen of Cups a symbol of my feminine energy and psychic intuition.
Then four cards symbolise the influences on my life at the moment. The first money, “It feels to me, like your struggling to keep hold of your money. The man on the card is gripping his coin tightly.” Nothings every been truer. I think for the first time in my life, I haven’t got the money to pay the bills going out. I’m trying to be careful with my money, but I know I need to keep a closer eye on where’s it’s going and Jaqui reiterates this.
Another card symbolises isolation – I’ve isolated myself from people and at times felt alone. “You’ve been looking for help in the wrong places and from the wrong people.” Thinking about it I agree with Jaqui, I rarely ask for help and when I do it’s often of people who don’t know what’s going on with me.
The third card has a massive moon and Jaqui tells me that this is about my state of mind. She says “What you’ve been going through will make you feel like a lunatic at times.” Jaqui turns her attention to another card, “But this shows that your coming out of that period now. Although it’s been a long path and sometimes you’ve felt like your close to slipping back, your’re out of the worst of it now.”

Jaqui then turns her attention to the final influence on me. “There’s a very masculine man whose protective, very, very assertive coming into your life. He’s very loyal and will fight tooth and nail for the people he cares about.”
I ask: “Is he in a friend’s role or a love interest?”
Jaqui replies: “That depends on you. Underneath his assertive protective side, he’s also got a very loving side. So it depends on what you make of that relationship.”
Then Jaqui turns her attention towards my future. Each of the four cards represents a quarter of the next twelve months. The first is fate. Jaqui tells me that the wheels of fate are already turning to bring positive things into my life. The second is the chariot which is about moving along at a fast pace. Yet despite going at this pace, I have control of the reins and my will (or thoughts) will influence my direction.
The third and fourth is about learning. The third card shows a youthful student holding a sword but looking the other way. Jaqui asks if I intend to do any studying in September of this year. I confess that I have thought about my Masters in Public Health but can’t really afford to do it. Jaqui looks at the next card which is the same student blind folded with two swords in his hand. Jaqui says it’s about “putting decisions off. Avoiding them. In your case represented by the swords is the learning. I think you should do your Masters, I know it’s expensive and I know the economic climate sin’t good. But people won’t need new cars or technology but they’ll always need health care professionals. Plus I think that putting it off would lead to a period of indecision. So re-look at it. There are grants and ways to do things.”
The reading by Jaqui was brilliant and she was really honest. It feels good to know the wheels of fate are already turning to influence my life for the better, the thought of going to do my Masters is positive (I will have to re-look into this), and the fact I might have someone coming into my love life is exciting.
So if your’re after a tarot reading I would recommend Aurora (also known as Jaqui Leviston) and will be visiting her again in the future.
Write soon,