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Import: FEATURE: Coming Out of the Broom Closest

By Books & Authors, Creativity, Gay, Journalism, PaganismNo Comments
Rivington - A Place of Bewitching Beauty I’ve come out of two closets in my life. First through the rainbow-coloured door – coming out as gay. Then out of the broom closet – coming out as pagan. Every time I’ve come out as pagan, I get asked the same sort of questions. Here are some of those questions and my responses:

What is it all about?
Paganism is a nature-based religion, so as a pagan I have a reverence for nature. Paganism has a dual aspect of divinity – meaning we have both a god and goddess.

This god and goddess duality symbolises balance that can be seen in all aspects of the world and universe. We cannot have life without death, happy times without sad times, etc.

Unlike most other religions we don’t have a bible or other book that tells us what to believe. What pagans believe is much more individual to them. But the two big focuses in paganism are nature and individual responsibility for our own actions and omissions.

Paganism has values that encourage equality, respect for all living beings and empathy for others, so generally pagans are very accepting of gay people. Acts of love, pleasure and beauty are important to pagans regardless of the sexuality or gender of those involved.

Do you worship the devil?
No…we actually don’t believe in a devil.

The Druid Circle Cumbria Do you have a Church?
Nature is our church. Some of us like to worship, celebrate and practice on our own; whereas others like to get together with other pagans.

Covens are closed groups of pagans usually consisting of a maximum of thirteen people. They have a High Priestess and a High Priest as leaders of their group, kind of like priests/vicars. Coven members will teach one another what they know, including the initiates (those new to paganism). Rituals, rites, magic, music and dance will all be taught within the closed coven circle.

Pagan moots are much more open. They are open to anyone and usually held at local cafes or pubs. Some moot organisers will arrange for talks on a range of pagan topics such as: herbs, crystals, healing, ghosts/other spirits, etc. Organisers usually ask for a donation or minimal charge to attend these fascinating talks.

Samhain-2012-4 Is magic like that on Charmed? Or like Willow on Buffy The Vampire Slayer does?
No…sorry. But it can be equally effective – it just works in a different way.

Imagine I cast a Spell for money. Money won’t magically appear. But I might see a job that I can apply for that’s better paid than the one I’m doing.

Just because I’ve cast the Spell, doesn’t mean the job is automatically mine! I still have to apply for the job, go to the interview and WOW the interviewers. I have to work hard to achieve my goals – like everyone else.

What’s the difference between a Pagan, a Wiccan and a Druid?
Paganism is a broad term to describe lots of different paths that have the same principle beliefs. Wicca, Druidism and others paths may have slightly different practices but share the same principle beliefs and are therefore are all encompassed under the term paganism.

Think of it in terms of Christianity. Christianity is the over-arching term, but within that you have the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church and many others all with the same principle beliefs but with slightly different practices.

So you don’t celebrate Christmas?
We have our own holidays, many of which coincide with Christian holidays. But our big celebration is Samhain or Halloween, which to pagans is like Christmas and New Year rolled into one.

We are all individuals. Personally I celebrate Christmas with my family, because they do and because it’s a positive time for all. It’s the one time of year my family takes the time out to spend precious time together, to eat, drink and be merry – oh and of course there’s the presents!

Where can I learn more?
The best gay pagan book I’ve come across is Gay Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak. Christopher Penczak is a pagan gay man who wrote this for gay men. It even has a section on gay deities.

Other non-gay books I’ve learned a lot about paganism from are: The Real Witches’ Handbook by Kate West, Elements of Witchcraft by Ellen Dugan, Witchcraft: Theory and Practice by Le De Angeles and Everyday Magic by Dorothy Morrison. There’s also a myriad of information on the internet –just do a Google search.

Published by: The Gay UK on Tuesday 17th September 2013.

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Rivington Adventure: Ruins & The Picnic

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Nature2 Comments
Rivington View - Partway Up The Hill

Rivington View – Partway Up The Hill

This is the second and final part of my Rivington Adventure (see Rivington Adventure: Lever Castle), which I had while off on annual leave a few weeks ago.

It was another glorious afternoon; Simon & I headed to explore some ruins in a less well-known part of Rivington’s Woodland. We traipsed uphill, the heat from the sun making the journey more difficult.

But when we got there, it was totally worth it. I could understand why Simon had wanted me to see this magical place.

The entrance included an archway, then stairs to a doorway and felt like stepping into another world:

Under the Archway

Under the Archway

Rivington - Stone Steps To The Doorway

Rivington – Stone Steps To The Doorway

Rivington - The Doorway to a Magical Place

Rivington – The Doorway to a Magical Place

The ruins were presumably built by the extravagant Lord Leverhulme as a place to entertain. They include an outhouse and what would have been a small cottage. These ruins have been named by some as the Chinese Village or the Hobbit Village. Here are some photos:

Rivington Ruins The Well Preserved Outhouse

The Well Preserved Outhouse

Rivington Ruins - The Small Cottage

Rivington Ruins – The Small Cottage

Rivington Ruins - The Small Cottage

Rivington Ruins – The Small Cottage

Rivington Ruins - Nature's Growing Over The Stairs To The No-Longer Existent 2nd Floor

Rivington Ruins – Nature’s Growing Over The Stairs To The No-Longer Existent 2nd Floor

Rivington - A View of the Man-made Pond

Rivington – A View of the Man-made Pond

Rivington - Another View of the Man-made Pond

Rivington – Another View of the Man-made Pond

As we explored, we came across this beautiful, large man-made pond. We sat down and ate our picnic admiring nature’s full summer bloom. I didn’t need to open my energy centres to feel the hum of the natural world around me. But when I did I felt bright green natural energy flow through my entire self – body, mind and soul. The energy went were healing was needed and began soothing, reviving and recharging my batteries.

I haven’t felt that blissful and alive in such a long time.

We sat on a bench and ate our picnic. As I did an ash tree seemed to call to me. I lit up a cigarette and sat with my back leant upon the tree. I closed my eyes and was transported back into the past. To a time were the pond and ruins were whole and in their former glory. I pulled myself back to the present aware that I didn’t want to go to deeply into the past with a lit cigarette in my hand. But I have to tell you that the glimpse I caught was breathtakingly beautiful.

Then Simon & I saw some ducklings with their mother duck. They were just going about their business, not bothered by us at all. So I took some photos:

Rivington Pound - Ducklings

Rivington Pound – Ducklings

Rivington Pound - The Ducklings Close Up

Rivington Pound – The Ducklings Close Up

Rivington Pound - The Ducklings Close Up

Rivington Pound – The Ducklings Close Up

Normally doing the amount of walking we I did I would have experienced some back pain afterwards. But surrounded by the elements: the earth beneath my feet, the air that I breathed, the water in the pond and the fire from the sun in the sky that warmed my skin. I left Rivington feeling interconnected with nature, healed, relaxed, rejuvenated and without any pain at all.

It did me the world of good.

Write soon,


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A Sensational Sunset

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, NatureNo Comments

One of my New Experiences for 2013 was to see the sun rise and set. A few weeks ago I did manage to see a sensational sunset. It was the first time I’d truly observed a sunset. Click on any photo in this post for a full size image.

sunset-2013-1 sunset-2013-2

At 8:30PM Simon & I parked up in a lovely spot overlooking Rivington reservoir. The sun was due to set at 9:30PM and other people were around. The sun still shone bright and I felt the heat on my skin that emanated from the sun. There was a cool breeze that carried noise from the other people: cars, car radios and chatter. I was feeling excited to experience something new and yet frustrated at the distracting noise from the other people.

sunset-2013-3 sunset-2013-4

As the time approached, most people had gone which made it quieter and I was thankful for this. Simon & I sat on a bench and even nature seemed to go quiet. The only sounds were from the rustling of the trees that swayed in the fresh breeze. The breeze it’s self felt colder than before. The daylight had dimmed in the direction opposite to the sunset. The sun released orange ambers and reds that filled the skyline and reflected off strips of clouds. Time seemed to slow down.

I felt a new appreciation for the life giving warmth and light of the sun. I felt totally relaxed and able to be truly in that moment – without any intruding thoughts. I enjoyed the beauty and magic of the sun.

sunset-2013-5 sunset-2013-6

The sun began to make it’s decent over the horizon; I noticed the moon rising on the other side. The moon’s luminescent glow grew stronger as the sunset. The transition from dark to light across the sky was phenomenal. I savoured the final rays of light feeling awe struck and enchanted. I realised that I’d taken for granted that the sun will always rise and set.

The final moments of the sun’s day go quick – it took 5 minutes to completely disappear from sight. I glanced at my watch and noticed that it was precisely on time. I took a deep breath, the transformation from day to night was complete.


sunset-2013-8 It was a magical experience, almost spiritual; that made me fully comprehend why some people did and others still do worship the sun.

The contrast from light to dark, as the day transforms to night is magical. At one point the sun and moon even looked almost in balance.

The sun is currently rising far too early for me, but I’m hoping to see sunrise later in the year.

Take care,


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