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Bonkers: My Life in Laughs by Jennifer Saunders

Book Review: Bonkers: My Life in Laughs by Jennifer Saunders

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Happiness & Joy, History, Reviews2 Comments
jennifer-saunders-bonkers-cover Bonkers: My Life in Laughs is Jennifer Saunders’ fabulous autobiography.

Saunders takes us through her childhood as an RAF child to the present day. She shares her obsession with animals (mostly horses, but also dogs & chickens), aimless career and her family life.

Career wise she is completely honest (almost too honest) and gives the impression that she was dragged along for the ride, especially in the early days. She admits that she’s a procrastinator and easily distracted from any form of work (well play that she calls work ha ha).

In Bonkers Saunders often goes off on enjoyable tangents, telling stories and even the occasional mini-rant. For the record, I completely agree with everything she said in her mini-rants.

Saunders light, warm and engaging writers voice made Bonkers a captivating read that I finished a few days after starting. It had the average glossy photo pages, but a few more would have been welcome.

There are some great stories, some of which are told in this interview with Clare Balding (who Saunders completely blames for Bonkers):

Any fan of Saunders or her work (French & Saunders, Ab Fab, Jam & Jerusalem, Radio) will love Bonkers: My Life in Laughs by Jennifer Saunders which is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,


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