Here is the current Coronavirus Guidance from HM Government (UK):
I’ve watched, listened and read a lot of information about the Coronavirus.
As an essential worker, I’ve seen firsthand the preparations being made in our NHS. It has made me proud to be part of such a wonderful organisation.
As a person I’ve thought about how I best protect my loved ones, particularly those in at risk groups. We all know at least one person who is elderly, has an underlying medical condition or is a child. (Although thankfully so far there have been no documented deaths in children).
As a Type 1 diabetic I’ve worried what will happen if I get infected. My immune system is weakened by diabetes, so it is likely to hit me harder than those without an underlying medical condition. I’ve even worried about the impact that the virus might have on my mental health.
As a consumer I’ve been shocked, but not entirely surprised by the panic buying.
But being British, I know we will do what we’ve always done in adversity: come together and help one another. We’ve done it many times before in the past, this time will be no different.
If you do have symptoms described in the video above, it is essential that you follow this guidance:
Take care and stay safe. Write soon,
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