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November 2014

Choices and Decisions

By Love & RelationshipsNo Comments
gay-love-large Some of you may question the choices I make and the decisions I take. I understand, so do I. But my choices and decisions are always made by following my heart and listening to my gut instinct.

I regret no choice or decision I’ve ever made. How can I? When all my heart wants is a life filled with joy, happiness and love. And my gut gives me instincts in the hope of keeping me safe.

After a lot of reflection, I recently posted the above as my status update on Facebook. Boyfriend-A and I have decided to end our relationship. I won’t go into the personal details here. But I wish Boyfriend-A well with whatever his future holds. I hope he finds happiness and love.

Take care and write soon,


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Book Review: Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
shopaholic-to-the-stars-sophie-kinsella Becky’s back in Shopaholic to the Stars! It’s great to have her back.

Becky, Luke and Minnie are moving to Hollywood. Luke will be helping to manage PR for his new celebrity client Sage Seymour.

Meanwhile Becky plans to make a name for herself by becoming a renowned Hollywood Stylist. Becky is even joined by best friend Suze, Tarquin and their brood. Oh and Becky’s dad who is in search of an old friend. What could possibly go wrong?

Well it starts with Becky seeing Lois Kellerton, Sage Seymour’s nemesis shoplifting. Lois swears Becky to secrecy, but Becky lets slip to Sage. Before Becky knows it, she’s at the centre of a press tornado as the only witness of Lois’ crime. Against Luke’s advice, she decides to make the most of the publicity while she’s ‘hot’ to try and promote herself as a Hollywood Stylist.

Every page of Shopaholic to the Stars made me laugh, often aloud and made me feel elated. Becky’s character is so optimistic and naive that she makes every book in the Shopaholic series a joy to read. Shopaholic to the Stars is no exception.

About halfway through Shopaholic to the Stars Kinsella adds another plot line (the one were Becky’s dad disappears) and it’s clear that this book is the first part in a two book story. Fabulous, it means another book in the Shopaholic Series. This new (and as of yet untitled) release will probably be published next year.

Take Shopaholic to the Stars as a lighthearted, comedic, chick-lit read and you’ll enjoy it. The plot of Shopaholic to the Stars is slightly predictable and if you overanalysed it you’d find the odd flaw in the storyline.

The Shopaholic Series in chronological order: The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic, Shopaholic Abroad, Shopaholic Ties The Knot, Shopaholic & Sister, Shopaholic & Baby, Mini Shopaholic and Shopaholic to the Stars.

Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,


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