I made a list:
Hungry? No. Food always in bowl.
Thirsty? No. They always have fresh clean water in their bowl.
Wants the cat litter changing? No. clean and emptied regularly.
Illness? No signs or symptoms of illness. They are eating, drinking, using the cat litter as usual and no other change in their behaviour.
Attention Seeking? Possibly. They meow excessively when they here me come through the front door and as soon as they see me. They usually stop meowing when I give them attention.
Wants to play? Possibly sometimes. I can tell as their tail is up high with the tip swishing from side to side.
Loneliness? Unlikely. There’s two of them, so they always have one another for company.
Stress? Unlikely. Nothings changed that would cause them to be stressed.
Horniness? Nope. Both of my boys have been neutered.
I decided it must be attention seeking, as giving them attention shut them up. But the more attention I gave them, the worse their meowing would be the next time.
I started ignoring my cats when they were meowing and showering them with attention when they were quiet. It was a bit of trial and error and it took them a while to get the message, but they eventually did. It seems to be working as they have really calmed down on their excessive meowing.
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