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long lost brothers

A Rare Photo

By Friends & Family, Life4 Comments


A Rare Photo: Alex, Antony & Neil.

Date: 14th May 2007
Event: My 21st Birthday Family Meal

Above is a rare photo of all three men that my mum brought into the world. Three brothers. Alex. Me. Neil. We were raised together. We shared everything including family meals, bedrooms, hand-me-down clothes and holidays. This was before Shaun, my Long Lost Brother, came into our lives.

For my 21st birthday we had all gone out for a family meal. I don’t remember where. But I do remember thinking that there were next to no photos of Alex, Neil and me together as adults and on insisting that this photo be taken. Just before the camera went off, Alex said something funny and we were laughing as the photo was taken. He was always doing that. Saying things to make everyone laugh.

I remember showing Alex the photos when I got them developed and telling him, partly in jest, that he had ruined the photo by laughing. But looking back on the photo now, he simply used the photo as an opportunity to show his sense of humour. He had this wonderful ability to find laughter everywhere and in everything.

6 years ago today Alex died. I’ve examined this photo in great detail since he passed. But until recently, I never noticed the old lady in the background on the right-hand side of the photo. So in the spirit of Alex’s sense of humour: That old lady was well ahead of her time! She photobombed our photo, back in 2007, before it became a thing. She probably didn’t even realise she was doing it. 🙂

This photo is one of the most precious things I own. I can’t remember what he said, as the photo was taken, that was so funny. I can’t remember what the impression or joke was. But when I look at his face on this photo, I laugh. Every time.

Write soon,


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My Thirtieth Birthday

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, Thinking3 Comments

Yesterday I Became:

Thirty years old. It was a busy day with many highlights. My close family and I went out for a meal in my favourite restaurant Gallimore’s. I was so pleased that almost everyone could and did come. Here are photos of my cake and balloons:


My 30th Birthday Cake: Minion Bob.


My 30th Birthday Balloons.

Gallimore’s Fine Restaurant served sublime and tasty food and the service was excellent. My thanks to Gallimore’s for making my birthday even more special.

I was completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity from my family and friends on my birthday. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the Facebook messages, the cards, the balloons, the gifts and the money from family and friends.

At the end of the month, some good friends and I are going to Chester Zoo to see the new Islands Exhibit.

Big birthdays always cause me to reflect on my life so far. I think about what I’ve done and not done. What I’ve experienced and haven’t experienced. I play what if scenarios out in my head for both the past and the future.

We are all a work in progress. We are constantly growing as we experience life and learn. I am proud of what I’ve achieved in life so far. I could list my achievements like overcoming adversity, becoming and being a good Nurse, being creative and my ongoing recovery from a mental health illness.

But the thing I’m most proud of is to have a wonderful loving family and a bunch great friends whom I would trust with my life.

Write soon,


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A general update

By Education, Friends & Family, Life, Love & Relationships2 Comments

I’ve noticed that my blogging recently hasn’t really been about me. It’s been about books, my beautiful iphone and generally anything that I like. So grab a brew and we’ll have a catch up.

First, Uni. I’m doing two elearning modules, one on Leadership and the other my Dissertation module. It’s going well, although I need to do some more research for the assignments. I am enjoying the learning, but will be thankful in March when I’ve completed my final module.

Family life has been most interesting with lots of ups and downs. Mum met a long lost brother on the train recently, it turned out I have two lof them. I’ve met one of the brothers and his fiancée, which I wont deny was a bit weird. But we got on really well, they are wonderful people and guess what? I’m an uncle to four! I’ve always secretly wanted to be an uncle so I’m stoked.

In my love life, I was dating a guy for a while, but it didn’t work out. Too needy and not good communication. Now I’m dating another guy and so far, it’s going well. He makes me happy. Cheesy grin smile :D.

Well that’s about all that’s new in my life, take care,

Antony x

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