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Book Review: Gone by Michael Grant

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
gone-michael-grant-book-cover Gone by Michael Grant with it’s black cover and illumines title caught my eye and I was like a month to a flame. In truth, I’ve always wanted to buy this book. But knowing that it was part of a series of books and that I had a number of other books from publicists, I’ve put it off. That was until I saw 3 books for £10 in ASDA and couldn’t resist picking it up.

In Gone everybody over the age of fifteen disappears in the blink of an eye. There’s this impenetrable white wall/dome that extends around the Power Plant for a ten-mile radius encompassing Perdido Beach (a small southern Californian town), The CliffTop (a hotel), Coats Academy (a school for rich but naughty kids), a desert, part of a National Park and some agricultural land.

The kids are cut off from the outside world and some are starting to develop powers. Some of the animals are mutating and in a mine deep underground is The Darkness.

It has a host of likeable characters including: Sam the hero, Quinn best friend to Sam, Astrid the genius and Pete her little brother. There’s also a host of less likeable characters including: Caine the villain, Drake the sadistic and Diana the power reader – who reads kids and rates their powers like a signal indicator on a mobile phone: one bar, two bar, three bar or four bar.

Gone is jam-packed with action, which builds to an epic battle between Sam & Caine and their respective groups of kids. The book answers some of the readers questions like what made the adults disappear? And what created the barrier/dome?

But still leaves plenty of questions like what is the darkness? Will other kids develop powers? What’s the story of that kid from Coats who kept his head down when Caine and the others arrived in Perdido Beach? What will Orc do next? And will he get over Bette?

The book is so absorbing that you’ll find yourself saying ‘Just one more chapter before bed…’ before staying up to read three chapters. I haven’t enjoyed a book this much in ages. The next book in the series is Hunger which I have already started reading.

Review soon,



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The Wedding of the Year

By Happiness & Joy3 Comments

On Saturday 2nd July 2011, Shaun (see The Long Lost Brother Story) and Sarah (his missus) got Wed. They couldn’t have choose a better day for it. The sun was bright, warming the air and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Plus they had the sound of the calm sea as they got married on the sea front. I was honoured and privileged to be invited to what turned out to be the Wedding of the year.

The night before I had stayed over with Shaun, to help get him and the kids ready in the morning. Well I managed to get the kids, Shaun and myself ready and there on time. Shaun was uncharacteristically nervous, but then it was his wedding day, so I’ll let him off.

Shaun and Myself

As people started to arrive I got a snap of mum and Jodie (Alex’s girlfriend going in his place, see My Darling Baby Brother), the both of them looking particularly beautiful:

And I am pleased to say I didn’t scrub up too bad either:

The ceremony started at 1pm in the hotel. It was a small intimate setting with the ceremony being one of the most overwhelmingly emotional I have ever experienced. You could feel the love in the room; the love for Shaun and Sarah and the happiness at them both finally making a life long commitment to one another. Tears of joy filled my eyes as they did in most peoples. I didn’t get many pictures during the ceremony as I wanted to really absorb the event in to memory. But I did get these:

Shaun and Sarah signing the Wedding Register

Shaun and Sarah about to leave the room as Husband and Wife

After the ceremony, the photographer used his charisma to get us to pose for various photos. Here’s one of Shaun and Sarah outside the hotel:

Then it was time for something to eat. On entering the well dressed dinning room, I couldn’t help but notice the seaside town theme:

Food came which was course after course of some of the most delicious food I’ve ever had in my life. Seriously good food. Pate, Soup, Chicken with green pepper corn sauce and veg, profiteroles and then coffee.

Speeches followed. All from the heart and with a good amount of humour.

Shaun giving tokens of appreciation as part of his speech

After all that, it was time for a break. We had an hour to relax before the evening do commenced. Some went up to their room in the hotel, whereas others stayed by the bar. I was so full after all those courses I wanted a nap, but as I wasn’t staying at the hotel I didn’t. The evening do kicked off with cutting of the cake and the first dance:

After that it was party time. A good time was had by all. I spent the next few days recovering from all the fun! Easily the best Wedding of the year. I’m so happy that they had such a good day and want to wish them all the luck in the world for their future together.

Take care,


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