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A Million Little Pieces

Book Review: My Friend Leonard by James Frey

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
my-friend-leonard-fray-book-cover My Friend Leonard is the follow up book to A Million Little Pieces, which I have reviewed here.

My Friend Leonard is another addictive read from James Frey.

From the cover:

My Friend Leonard is the story of an extraordinary friendship formed in the most unlikely circumstances.

While in rehab, James Frey finds a father figure in Leonard, a shady mafia boss. When Leonard returns to his dubious, prosperous life in the criminal underworld of Las Vegas, he promises James his support on the outside.

[Continued below…]

Tragedy strikes the day James is released and his world seems set to implode. Unsure where to turn, he calls Leonard. Paradoxically, it is in Leonard’s lawless underworld that James discovers the courage and humanity needed to rebuild his life.

(From: Frey, 2006)

There are two plots running concurrently throughout this book. James’ and Leonard’s. James’ plot was predictable and at times felt as though it lacked direction. Leonard’s plot was much more exciting with some massively unexpected, yet pleasant twists.

The engaging writer’s voice keeps the Reader reading on. The plot is suitably fast-paced and slower-paced in all the appropriate places. The Reader will empathise with the characters and come to care for them. This in turn creates a desire in the Reader to find out what happens to them.

Although it’s probably not fair to compare A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard, one can’t help but to do so. A Million Little Pieces is undoubtably better than this book.

That said, if you’ve read A Million Little Pieces, My Friend Leonard is an essential read as it finishes the story.

My Friend Leonard is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,



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