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People that inspire me

By Books & Authors, Friends & Family, Inspiration, Life, Music & Radio, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Today’s blog entry, is some what of an odd one. It is about people who inspire me in my life.

First and foremost my family and friends inspire me and influence me greatly. Family wise, my mum inspires me the most. I once asked her, “if you could be famous for anything, what would it be?” Her responce: “I’d like to be famous for making a difference to the world, like discovering the cure for cancer.” As a child she instilled a huge amount of confidence in me and continues to inspire me with her thoughts, feelings and attitude. All of my family inspire me in different ways although she remains the one that inspires me the most.

My friends come from all over the country and from all different cultural backgrounds. It would be impossible to list each and everyone and how they inspire me in one blog entry. But a good example is my friends Simon and Chrys. They are truly wounderful. They accepted me for who I am, the good, the bad and the ugly. They inspire me by being who they are recognising their own strenghs and flaws and have taught me to recognise mine.

In the “famous” world (i.e. people you will know), their is a variety of people who inspire me. I have always loved to make people laugh, so naturally any one who can do this is a big inspiration to me. Comedians who inspire me include: Whoopi Goldberg, Alan Carr, French & Saunders and Dylan Moran.

In the film world it’s more about the content of the film that inspires me than the actors/actresses. Films that inspire me include (but are by no means limited to these films listed): Ever After, Mona Lisa Smile, Beautiful Thing, The Craft, Good Will Hunting, A Home of our own, Billy Elliot, Brokeback Mountain. It would be impossible to list all of them. But the films all involve one of two key themes:
1. Finding love
2. People coping through difficult (some times dangerous) situations in life and dealing with them, coming out stronger often achieving their goals.

Music inspires me too. Again it’s more about the song than the artist. Although some artists that do inspire me with most of their work include (but are not limited to): Mariah Carey, Whitney Huston, Kylie, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Celine Dion, Savage Garden, Enya, Gabrielle, Josh Groben, Nerina Pallot, The Calling. The songs that inspire me are generally about love (as most songs are). They inspire me as they descibe how it feels to be in love or to loose it, feelings that we’ve all had at different times in our lives.

Writers to me are very inspirational. To write words telling a story, that allows your imagination to show the story in your mind (much like a film), even making you feel emotions is truely remarkable. I love books by Sophie Kinsella, Cecelia Ahern and am constantly finding new authors that I like. A book from my teen years entitled The boy in the bubble had a huge inspirational effect on me, wetting my appetite for reading. All of these authors have inspired me to do creative writing which I do from time to time when inspired.

That’s all for now, hope this has give you more of an insight in to me.


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