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June 2024

Hello Tourmaline!

By Paganism, ShoppingNo Comments

I just ordered this gorgeous black Tourmaline chunk crystal from The Crystal Inn. They sell a wide range of crystals, so if like me you’re into crystals go check them out. Looking for a specific type or size of crystal? Contact The Crystal Inn.

Black Tourmaline is good for grounding, aura cleansing, balancing and protection. I’m going to put this beautiful crystal next to my bed, so that it can work its magic while I sleep.

Write soon,


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Z-VIRUS Powers for just £8.00

By Books & Authors, CreativityNo Comments

My latest book Z-VIRUS Powers is out now! You can buy a signed copy from me, which comes with a free bookmark, free UK postage and entry into a prize draw to win one of these following prizes:

For just £8.00 (including Postage & Packing). Payments are made securely by Paypal. The first batch of books arrives Monday afternoon and I have already sold 5.

If you love a Zombie Apocalypse story or an X-MEN type story you’ll love Powers.

Blog soon,


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