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Two Brilliant Book Reviews of Mental Health Wisdom

By Saturday 4 January 2020Books & Authors

Early last year when I was promoting my book, I approached several bloggers to review my book. Two bloggers responded and completed brilliant reviews of my book.

The first was cats, kids, chaos. Here is what they wrote:

This is a very refreshing and sensible book, written through the eyes of someone who knows how the system works from a professional point of view but also from the empathetic side of someone who has experienced the system as a patient and user.

It’s easy to read and helpful. It is definitely a useful book to have around and it’s helpful to read as well as dip in and out of…

…A useful book to help with negotiating mental health from a personal point of view.

(From: Mental Health Wisdom – Antony Simpson, last accessed: Friday 3rd January 2020.)

You can read the full review here.

The second was Me Against Myself. Here is what they wrote:

This is a perfect starting point for anyone that wants to get clued up on mental health. It goes through the many different mental health illnesses, symptoms and has so much invaluable knowledge and wisdom embedded in it. It then goes on to list some tips on how to manage and look after your mental health and well- being. I thoroughly recommend purchasing this book. I was lucky and had this book gifted to me by the Author in return for an honest and impartial review. This review is of my own opinions and thoughts. I genuinely believe that this book will teach you a lot about mental health. I love the ideas throughout on how to top up your mental health and wellbeing. The pages on the seven essentials to be mentally and emotionally healthy and happy are especially useful for those suffering.

(From: 12 Resources You Need To Help Understand Mental Health, last accessed: Friday 3rd January 2020.)

You can read more here.

It’s great to see that people are finding my book informative, useful and helpful. If you want to learn more about the book you can do so here.

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