A small card arrived in my post box, advertising an exclusive development of 8 TownHouses close to where I currently live. The card boasted canalside living, a garden (something I miss living in an apartment), a roof terrace and even an allotment plot.
I decided it was worth checking out and so I arranged a viewing. On viewing one of the TownHouses I realised two things:
1. They were smaller than I expected.
2. They were expensive.
Unsure what to do, I arranged another viewing. This time something was different. No the TownHouse wasn’t any bigger and the price hadn’t changed, but it felt more homely.
After discussing the TownHouse with family and friends; I decided to look into the affordability. Around this time also pulled the 4 of Wands tarot card from one of my decks. Guess what the 4 of wands is all about? You guested it, moving house. It seemed like a move was literally on the cards.
Despite starting to downsize and the sacrifices I was willing to make, it wasn’t mean’t to be.
My property was valued at less than I expected (and less than I had paid for it!) and it was ultimately unaffordable. I looked into all possible options and one of these options came with a difficult decision.
But despite the difficult decision – which is still a bit to raw to write about, I’m glad I looked into the possibility. At least I will never drive past the TownHouses (something I do regularly) with any regrets or wondering what if.
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