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New Glass Jars

By Wednesday 29 January 2020Creativity, Life

I’m often asked by people if they should collect jars for my candle making. Recycling is no bad thing, but I always politely decline their offer of recycled jars.

New Glass Jars

I want my candles to look as professional as possible. In order to do this, each candle needs to look and smell the same. It is difficult to get a collection of 24 of recycled jars that are exactly the same size and shape.

Buying new jars also keeps Glassblowers in business. Glassblowing is an art. One that I really admire; if I had the money an art that I’d love to learn. These are the reasons I buy new jars.

But remember that all the jars I use in my candle making are recyclable. So feel free to re-purpose them or deposit them in a glass recycling bin.

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