What’s the number of people likely to like or love you?
What’s the number of people likely to be indifferent towards you?
What’s the number of people likely to dislike you?
This fascinating psychological theory from Professor Steve Peters, called One in Five answers the above questions:

I’m unsure what research and evidence this theory is based on. But being aware of this theory can help you to:
- Recognise the people that like or love you. I name these fans. Despite being fans of you, good relationships with these people will still need to be developed and maintained.
- Recognise that the majority of people will be indifferent towards you, but that you can influence these people by what you say and/or do. Try to be as self-aware as possible. Understand and empathise where these people are coming from and understand their wants, needs, desires and motivations.
- Accept that not everyone will like you. No matter what you say and/or do.
I hope you find this psychological theory useful, I certainly did when thinking about my desire to please people.
Write soon,

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