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Eye Candy: The Fit Tom Daley

By Thursday 21 August 2014Gay, The Web

Tom Daley recently came out as gay. He is a professional Swimmer and an award winning olympic one at that. As such it’s no surprise that he has a gay following, with his fit physique and his uniform being a small pair of speedos. I can’t deny that his body is adonis-like; even if that isn’t the type of man I’m into. Anyway, he’s some eye candy photos of him for you, gathered off the internet (so I don’t hold copyright for any of the images in this post):

Tom Daley Working

Tom Daley Working

Tom Daley Christmas

Tom Daley With Mistletoe

Tom Daley Poolside 2

Tom Daley Poolside 2

Tom Daley Poolside 1

Tom Daley Poolside 1

Tom Daley Poolside 4

Tom Daley Poolside 4

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