It’s been announced this week that the BBC are making a 20% cut to their budget after they were told that the TV Licence fee would remain frozen for the next few years. Unsurprisingly it was mostly reported on the BBC with the headlines being: 2,000 job losses, more repeats, less quality dramas and entertainment being created. More information about where the cuts in the organisation they will be made can be found here: BBC cuts at a glance.
As a TV Licence payer I am proud of what the BBC does. I enjoy the various radio stations, and am loving some of the original advert-free TV they produce. Curtsy of the BBC, recently I’ve been enjoying:
Spooks – Sadly entering it’s final series.
(Image Copyright The Telegraph, 2011.)
(Image Copyright Gari’s Blog, 2011.)
Dr. Who.
(Image Copyright Mail Online, 2011.)
Question Time.
(Image Copyright BBC, 2011.)
I love the BBC Iplayer for catching up on TV I’ve missed and the other online services are brilliant as well.
I don’t want to sound like the BBC and I are happily married. Of course I don’t enjoy watching/listening to everything the BBC produce and there are certainly things I don’t like. But overall I do think it’s good value for money for me as a TV Licence payer. I think that the BBC could also be cleverer about selling what it makes Internationally to make back some of the money that it’s being forced to cut.
So my message to the BBC: Keep making good quality programmes (both TV and Radio) and consider what you can flog to the International Market to ensure the quality doesn’t slip.
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