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This is what life is all about

Leeds Last Weekend

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

Left to Right: Me, Robert & Neha.

Last weekend I went to Leeds to visit Robert & Neha. I attended their wedding in India a couple of years ago, see My India Adventure (Part 2) – The Wedding.

Robert & Neha are two of the most gorgeous, kind and wonderful people that I know. I am so lucky to have them both in my life.

I arrived in Leeds on Friday night. We talked, catching up on the last few years, drank wine and had the most awesome handmade pizzas by Robert.

On the Saturday we had a mooch around town, visited the oldest pub in Leeds (well it would be rude not to!) and had a game of Monopoly.



I was the first out of the game, Neha had Lady Luck on her side, but in the end Robert won. We watched some of the wedding video, some Netflix and ultimately chilled.

This is what life is all about, I thought to myself on more than one occasion throughout the weekend. Spending time with people you love and care about. Having the time to converse and connect. To share good times with one another.

We’ve promised each other to do this more often. So Robert & Neha, if you’re reading this, my turn to host next time. I doubt I’ll be able to top the superb job you did. But I look forward to giving it a try and having another fantastic time.

Blog soon,



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