According to Google inspiration is defined as:
Back in 2008, I wrote a blog post about People that inspire me. I could add so many people to that blog post.
But instead I decided to look at the qualities in people that inspire me. Here’s my list of qualities that those people display:
- Accepting.
- Authentic.
- Balanced in their thinking.
- Battle their inner demons.
- Believe in fairness and equality.
- Brings joy to others.
- Can have a presence on entering a room or blend into the background in social situations.
- Captivating Story Teller.
- Careful in their actions.
- Cares about others.
- Comfortable with themselves.
- Confident yet humble.
- Connects emotionally with others.
- Creative.
- Describes their own thoughts & feelings through words well.
- Determined.
- Diplomatic.
- Dislikes injustice.
- Empathetic.
- Enthusiastic.
- Flawed.
- Funny.
- Generous.
- Good communicator.
- Has others following them.
- Honesty.
- Humorous.
- Independent.
- Influences others.
- Intelligent.
- Is a Collaborator.
- Is a Doer.
- Is a Dreamer.
- Is Grateful.
- Kindness.
- Knows when, who and why to ask for help.
- Makes others feel comfortable.
- Makes others laugh.
- Motivational.
- Non-judgemental.
- Occasional vulnerable.
- One-step ahead of others.
- Open minded.
- Optimistic.
- Passionate.
- Patient.
- Positive.
- Relaxed in new situations.
- Self-aware.
- Sensitive.
- Shares their Knowledge and wisdom.
- Sincere.
- Stands up for the rights of others.
- Supports & helps others.
- Unconventional.
- Values community.
- Vibrant.
- Wants a better society for all.
- Wants others to reach their potential.
- Willing to fight for a cause.
- Wise.
- Works hard.
I’m sure there’s many other qualities that could be added to the list. I also know that as well as people, many other things inspire me. Things such as music, books, films, paintings, nature, animals and expressions of love to name but a few.
What qualities do you admire in the people that inspire you? Feel free to share by leaving a comment below.
Blog soon,