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Rip It Up

Congratulations to Jude Winner of the Rip It Up Giveaway

By Books & AuthorsNo Comments
rip-it-up-book-cover-richard-wiseman Congratulations to Jude, winner of a copy of Rip It Up by Richard Wiseman. Your details have been passed on to the people at Total Media.

I’ve started reading Rip It Up and will be reviewing it soon. I can tell you that so far it’s fantastic and I’m starting to experiment with some of the idea’s in this unique self-help book.

Jude was selected completely at random; the names of all people that entered into List Radomizer @ and then the Randomiser selected Jude’s name completely at random. See the images below – you can click on the images to see full size:

ripitup-giveaway-1 ripitup-giveaway-2

Blog soon,


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Book Giveaway: Rip It Up by Richard Wiseman

By Amazon, Books & Authors6 Comments
rip-it-up-book-cover-richard-wiseman The kind people at Total Media are offering one lucky reader a chance to win a copy of Richard Wiseman’s latest book Rip It Up.

We all love a good self-help book but Rip It Up is unique for two reasons. First and most importantly is it’s approach is to change behaviour rather than thoughts. Most self-help books focus on changing the way you think – but there’s decades of research that show if you make small changes to your behaviour it effects the way that you think.

Secondly, it’s written by Richard Wiseman a Professor for the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. Richard has researched what really makes people change and transform their lives, so his book is evidence-based rather than being another self-help book that’s wooly with vague references to research.

Here’s a video interview with Richard Wiseman, in which he tells you more about Rip It Up:

Rip It Up covers: How to be Happy, Attraction & Relationships, Mental Health (phobias, anxiety & depression), Willpower, Persuasion, and Creating a New You. You can learn more about the book on the Rip It Up website or Amazon.

To be in with a chance of winning simply email me or post a comment asking me to be put into the draw.

The deadline is Thursday 25th July 2013 @ 17:00. The winner will be completely randomly selected by myself, notified through email and I’ll post the name of the winner on the blog. You’ll need to check your email on the Thursday evening, as I will need your address so that the people at Total Media can send it out to you.

Good Luck!


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