In this video Anne Rice gives some advice about writing:
I recommend you turn your speakers up as the audio is very quiet. Anne Rice is a passionate Writer and an inspirational woman.
I liked that she pointed our that there’s “no rules” when it comes to writing and that she says:
“Don’t take no for an answer from anybody. No matter how many rejections you get keep going, keep going.”
I’ve had a few short stories rejected recently and because of this I found this piece of advice really useful:
“Never revise that book because you got a rejection from an editor with a bunch of negative advice. Never do that. Any editor who rejects your book doesn’t get it.”
But by far, the most important piece of advice Anne Rice gives is that a Writer needs to: ‘Kick Out The Pages!’
So with that in mind, guess what I’ve been up to recently? You got it, writing. I hope to share more Creative Writing soon.
Take care,