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Book Review: Zombie/Apocalypse 2012: A Political Horror Story by Ian McClellan

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
zombie-apocalypse-2012-political-horror-story-ian-mcclellan McClellan shows great promise with his first book: Zombie/Apocalypse 2012: A Political Horror Story. It’s a story about a zombie apocalypse in the USA, told through the perspective of an ordinary guy. The guy in question is Lance, an unemployed factory worker who feels the media and politicians are all failing to take control of the situation and work together to resolve it.

McClellan says about his book:
“My book is a funny and entertaining look at the politics of the zombie apocalypse. Hopefully, it can get people asking why politicians keep fighting each other instead of doing something for the American people, and why the media keep asking all the wrong questions…”

Lance lives with his wife whose obsessed with conspiracy theories. Needless to say, she doesn’t survive for long. Afterwards Lance gets scratched by a zombie, takes a load of antibiotics and locks himself in his basement.

After sometime Lance feels better and decides to journey to C.D.C to share his experience with them. He thinks that he maybe the key to a cure for the zombie plague. Lance and Larry (his neighbour & new best friend) set out on their journey.

The plot is well thought out and captivating but left one major plot hole: why do the zombies sniff the main character and then turn away? What’s different about him now? This is a source of frustration for the reader on finishing the book.

There were good peaks and troughs of action interlaced with the political aspect of the book. The politics didn’t appeal to me. The politicians were American and I’d never heard of most of them. Luckily, the politics was sparse and mainly focused on the frustration with bureaucracy and political correctness.

Zombie/Apocalypse 2012: A Political Horror Story is a throughly entertaining read. McClellan writing style is wonderful; the words seemed to flow off the pages making it was a joy to read.

The title of the book is too long to stand out to the average reader and will ultimately date the story. The cover design is completely unappealing and off-putting. However put the title and cover design aside, overall Zombie/Apocalypse 2012: A Political Horror Story is a great zombie story. One that is an easy read, at times very funny and is well worth reading.

Zombie/Apocalypse 2012: A Political Horror Story by Ian McClellan is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,


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Book Review: The Trees in the Field by J.E. Knowles

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
Publishers Group UK kindly sent me a copy of Trees in the Field by J.E. Knowles to read. The book begins well introducing the reader to Senator Raybelle McKeehan and Dr. Tomas Jefferson.

Raybelle McKeehan is a Senator for Tennessee in the US Administration. Since a very young age she’s had her eyes set on being President. Consumed by this goal she’s never had time for a partner, family or anything else outside of politics.

Dr. Tomas Jefferson works in Chicago and is more interested in microbiological organisms than people. Microbiological organisms are simpler she concluded after her girlfriend Alicia decided to leave her. However she does see patients including some in a Street Clinic for the homeless.

Raybelle and Tomas are simliar in the sense that they are both completely obsessed with their work. What differs is their reasons for this obsession: Raybelle’s ambition to be the President and Tomas wants to be respected (as she’s a black doctor). Tomas is also using her work as a way of avoiding her feelings about Alicia leaving her.

The link between Raybelle and Tomas is Dennis, Raybelle’s brother. Dennis is a homeless army veteran who Tomas meets at one of her Street Clinics. Tomas gets to know Dennis in the hopes of studying a disease he’s carrying. Meanwhile in Washington Raybelle is asked to investigate the standards of care army veterans are receiving.

When Dennis dies Tomas rings Raybelle to tell her. Raybelle asks Tomas to help her with the investigation to which Tomas agrees. I found Tomas dropping everything to go to Raybelle in Washington unbelievable. No doctors I know (and believe me I know a few) would be able to drop their workload at the drop of a hat to help a politician. Let alone one who doesn’t work for their state.

Mid way through the book the pace of the story becomes very slow. Raybelle & Tomas are unwittingly being “played” by two other politicians in relation to the standards of care investigation; I found this unbelievable as the book gives the impression that Raybelle has been a Senator for a number of years.

In this part of the book Raybelle & Tomas also get to know each other better and there is a really enjoyable chapter where Raybelle takes Tomas to her home town. There are however several internal monologues from Raybelle & Tomas that I found frustrating; they added nothing to the characters, their development or the storyline. The internal monologues felt like page fillers and I began to feel that the story could have been told in half the number of pages.

The book ends on a high; in the last few chapters the pace of the story picks up and so does the action. I won’t give the storyline away but the last few chapters are an addictive read.

Trees in the Field by J.E. Knowles is essentially a politically themed story centring around the US military, corruption & money making. It has two lesbian main characters, one whose just realising she’s lesbian (Raybelle) and one whose openly out (Tomas).

If you’re interested in US political stories then you’ll enjoy this book. Trees in the Field by J.E. Knowles is available to buy on Amazon.

Write soon,


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