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X Factor 2009

By Music & Radio, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Wow, I actually really enjoyed the X Factor last night. I usually cringe at the bad singers (and even get embarrased for them!). But this year it seemed to have a feel-all-warm-and-happy feel about it. It made me laugh at parts and for the first time I found the X Factor funny.

It was good to see more gay people in this hetrosexual world on the programme too. It shows the culture is changing. Believe it or not at one time there just weren’t gay people on the tele. Some were good and some were bad, not unlike our straight counter parts.

I also realised that Manchester has talent! Well mostly but we got quite a few yeses. I’d like the winner to be from Manchester.

Finally there was a feel-good end with Daniel, a teacher 27 years old. He seemed to be a born performer and also had nice deep brown eyes. Simon Cowell called him a “great performer,” My god Simon, have you had a personality transplant?

I want to use this opportunity to say I also quite like the new JSL song:

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Scape Goat

By Friends & Family, LifeNo Comments

Do you ever have moments in life were you think you understand what someone is saying, only to find out they are saying something completely different?

This happened to me a few weeks ago. My friend (T) had always called herself the “scape goat”. I had thought for years that when people were saying this they were saying the escaped goat. I thought that it meant that you were good at escaping out of situations. I imagined a sort-of ninja goat with a band around it’s forehead and a rope shooter with a hook on the end. (Ok. My imagination ran away with me. It does that sometimes!)

So after giving the escaped goat a great deal of thought, I concluded:
“T. I wouldn’t mind being the ecaped lion, or tiger…you know with claws…or even… the escaped dolphin because it’s cute, but I don’t get why be a goat?”

Needless to say, T was very confused and I had to explain my thinking to her. She laughed and then she explained to me what she had actually been saying and explained what it actually mean’t.

Shortly after, I was telling another friend this experience, she sent me this:

Not how I imagined it, but I laughed – knowing I am not the only one with an over active imagination.

I think she may have found it off the Internet (I would like to credit the author, but I don’t know where my friend found it – and she can’t remember).

Write soon,


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