This blog post really isn’t about Donald Trump. I just wanted to make that clear in the opening line.
A petition to stop Donald Trump (the new President of the USA) from making a State Visit to the UK has been signed by 1.8+ million British citizens. This makes me feel really sad. Why? I’ll explain below. First let me say that it’s great when people come together, stand together and become politically active. But the reason for my sadness is that although 1.8+ million British citizens have come together on this issue, we don’t seem to be able to come together on other important issues. |
Such as:
- The increasing inequality in our society.
- The funding and resourcing crisis in our NHS and Social Care Services.
- The rising levels of homelessness.
- The shocking year on year increase in people getting mentally ill.
- The growing use of food banks.
- Decreasing opportunities for young people.
- Plans to scrap The Human Rights Act (1998).
- The reduction of worker’s rights and protections.
We need to come together, stand together and become politically active in the same sort of numbers that have signed the petition, if not more, to fight for the changes that we would like to see in our society.
Blog soon,