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smart insulin

Charitable Donations 2015

By Health, Money / Finances, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

Having struggled with my own mental health this year (see Finally…in Recovery and getting Back to Life), it’s unsurprising that two of my charitable donations have been to mental health charities:


SANE is a UK mental health charity, which aims to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness.


Mind is a UK mental health charity that states that it won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

JDRF-logo I gave another donation to JDRF who are an international charity that fund research into a cure for type 1 diabetes. Currently one of the things they’re funding is smart insulin, which could be life-changing for diabetics.

They have great Christmas cards and wrapping paper in their shop, all the proceeds of which go to them. So I stocked up.

the-brick-project-wigan-logo My final donation was to The Brick Project, which supports homeless people in the Wigan borough (my hometown). Through circumstances and life events anyone could end up homeless. I’d never want to be homeless and like to support any charities that help people to rebuild their lives.

Blog soon,



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Smart Insulin: Potentially Life-Changing for Type 1 Diabetics

By HealthNo Comments

I recently watched this video about smart insulin, which could potentially be life-changing for people with Type 1 Diabetes:

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Even though JDRF is in American charity it seems to have a UK-based charity in the UK, see: It presents some interesting facts about living with Type 1 diabetes in the UK:


Smart insulin could revolutionise Type 1 diabetes care; taking away the need for daily blood sugar testing and multiple insulin injections a day.

As a Type 1 diabetic, it’s been a long time since I’ve had hope of a cure or at least better treatment. But this has restored some of my hope. So I would encourage you to all donate, if you can afford to do so.

Write soon,


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