I am proud to be a Registered Nurse working in our NHS. And I certainly never came into it for the money. But who the heck approved this recent NHS pay deal?
This is the pay deal I’m writing about, from the NHS Employers website:
It means that I get no pay rise for 2 years. On the old system, the one I accepted the job under, I would get a small annual incremental pay rise each year.
For some people it means no pay rise for 4 years.
Linking pay increases and annual leave increases to the number of years in service does nothing to motivate newer employees.
I don’t understand how this deal was struck or who approved it. But in my humble opinion it’s scandalous. First the consequences of this pay deal should have been communicated to all NHS staff prior to the approval.
Second the deal feels really unfair, because you don’t see Politicians, Teachers, Police Officers, Civil Servants or Local Authority Officers having no pay increases for up to 4 years.
I work hard and regularly go above and beyond in my role. It feels like my work isn’t appreciated and being really honest I have found it demotivating.
Patients are the only reason I keep working as hard as I do.
Write soon,