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astral plane

A Magickal Grand Plan

By Happiness & Joy, Inspiration, Paganism2 Comments

Magick (spelt deliberately with a “K” on the end to distinguish between real magick and the entertainers magic) is about more than ritual, casting spells and making potions and brews in the cauldron.

Magick can be done in many creative ways. So I decided to come up with a Grand Plan for the next 5 years of my life. How do I weave the magick in to it? With colour and symbolism through a collage. See below:

My plans are stuck on the fridge so everyday I will see them. Everytime I see them they will go deeper in to my subconcious (until they are imprinted there) and my subconcious will gather the energy required on the astral plane to meet all of my plans in the next five years.

Why don’t you try it?

What I’ve learned about magick is that after a while it just sorta happens. I find myself doing less spells, potions and brews and simply wishing and it happening. In Edain McCoy’s book Advanced Witchcraft: Go Deeper, Reach Further, Fly Higher it calls this Wishcraft. (There’s loads of more interesting reading in this book – so if your pagan I would highly recommend it.) Although I am still learning with regards to the craft (and most definitately always will be), I recognise how far I’ve come.

With thanks to my muse – who inspired me to express my grand plan in such a creative and fun way.

In love and light,

Antony x

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