Let’s start with the exciting news. I have a new job!
The last week or so has been a chaotic whirlwind of activity that has led me to be offered and accepting a new job. I wont give too much details as I’ve always maintained this is a personal blog and always had a strict rule about not discussing work. Needless to say this rule will be maintained in my new post.
But it is an exciting opportunity, out of the geographic area I currently work in and will present me with some new challenges. I’ll have read up and update myself on Nursing practices in a hospital setting, as I haven’t worked in a hospital since I completed my Nurse training. I’m looking forward to starting the post in the coming months, embracing the learning opportunities the post brings as well as developing best practice.
Now on to things to look forward too over the next few months:
- Watching John Barrowman live – I didn’t manage to see him last year due to being ill (see The long fantastic weekend, that never happened).
- Dressing up the cats in costumes for Halloween / Samhain.
(If anyone knows where I can buy cat costumes, please let me know by commenting. I can find plenty of human Halloween costumes online, but none so far for the cats.)
- Undertaking Samhain ritual with Simon & Chrys (see Pagan Festivals).
- Having a private Samhain ritual to commerate the loss of my brother Alex (see My Darling Baby Brother) earlier this year.
- Reading The Fear by Charlie Higson and The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern.
- Yule / Christmas – the opportunity to take some time out with my family and friends. Plus it’s the cats first Christmas, so they will be spoilt. No doubt they’ll manage to bring down the Christmas tree. I’m sure it will have sad moments since Alex (see My Darling Baby Brother) wont be here – but I’m hoping that overall it will be positive.
- Completion of my first few chapters of a creative writing story I’m going to set to work on (I promise) and getting all of your feedback.
- One of my brothers fiancée giving birth to a baby. Giving me another Niece or Nephew.
So lots to look forwards too. Signing off for now, feeling really positive,