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The Emerald City

Wicked: Thrilling, Entertaining and A Must-See

By Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, Music & RadioNo Comments
Wicked Ticket Steve & I were off to see the Witches, the Wonderful Witches of Oz!

On Monday night we went to watch Wicked on Tour; but beforehand we ate delicious food (as always) at Velvet Central. We both had tomato soup to start and then gammon steak as the main.

Having booked tickets in January, I was ready to explode with excitement and it didn’t disappoint. We headed to Manchester’s Palace Theatre:

Wicked Outside Manchester Palace Theatre Wicked Outside Manchester
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
Theatre Sign (from a distance)
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
Outside Video Display
Me Wicked Outside Manchester Steve Wicked Outside Manchester
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
Wicked Posters Manchester Palace Theatre Wicked Que
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
The Manchester Palace Wicked:
The Queue

We were sat one row from the front, an incredible view of the stage. I hadn’t realised when I’d booked the tickets, I though ‘BB’ row would be further back. I didn’t take photos during the show for fear of being kicked out.

The costumes and makeup were fabulous. The props were good and the set was truly transformative.

(Left: The Oz Map Stage Screen.)

Wicked Map Curtain
Wicked - Dragon The quick costume changes were impressive as were the choreography, the story, the good doses of humour throughout and of course the music. The only criticism was that occasionally the words of the songs weren’t clear. This was with both individuals of the leading cast and with the group singing.

(Right: Clock Dragon.)

Here’s a YouTube playlist, with all the songs from the show in full:

Wicked was thrilling, entertaining, dramatic and an absolute must-see. If you’re thinking of going to the theatre, you’ve got to see Wicked. Here’s the official trailer:

I would definitely watch it again. Steve & I left wanting to book tickets to go again.

Write soon,


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